EP 3 | Harm Reduction & Suboxone Therapy with Dr. Mitchell

DO It Right

In this episode, join Logan and Saman as they engage in a profound conversation with Dr. Mitchell, delving into the world of addiction medicine. The trio explores the vital concept of harm reduction, sheds light on Suboxone therapy, and reflects on Dr. Mitchell's firsthand experiences with patients battling substance use disorders.

For a deeper understanding of harm reduction, visit the National Harm Reduction Coalition’s website: https://harmreduction.org/about-us/principles-of-harm-reduction/

Discover the world of addiction medicine through the lens of Gabor Maté in his compelling book, "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction."

Connect with WCUCOM’s Addiction Medicine Interest Group on Instagram: @wcucom.amig. Don't miss their upcoming events, including "Research Topics in Addiction Medicine" on December 3rd at 4pm via Teams and the Xylazine Information Forum.

Explore valuable resources in Mississippi, such as the MS Department of Health Office of Substance Use Disorders: https://msdh.ms.gov/page/44,25061,382,61.html.

Additionally, make a difference by supporting "Make MS OD Free," offering free Naloxone for Mississippi residents: https://odfree.org/get-naloxone/.

For nationwide initiatives, check out EndOverdose (https://endoverdose.net/), a crucial resource in the collective effort against addiction.

You can leave any comments, feedback, or suggestions for us through this form. https://forms.office.com/r/Hw127ACAuq

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