Voices of Women Physicians

Tatyana Reznik MD, FACP
Voices of Women Physicians

Dr. Tatyana Reznik is a practicing physician and a Certified Life Coach. She interviews many talented women physicians, diving into their journeys to success inside and outside of medicine. Her guests share practical tips from their areas of expertise you can easily apply to your life. Additionally, her solo episodes focus on many effective coaching tools to add more joy to your life. She is here to inspire  you, to elevate your voice, and to help you build your happiness toolkit for the journey to Joyful Success! Check out her website at joyfulsuccessliving.com.DISCLAIMER: The Voices of Women Physicians podcast is for entertainment purposes only and does not provide any medical, financial, tax, legal or psychological services or advice. You are responsible for your own wellbeing, decisions and results. Dr. Reznik is a practicing physician but Voices of Women Physicians podcast is not reflective of the opinion of her employer or her guests' employers. You should always contact a professional if you have any specific questions about your unique situation. 

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58개의 평가


Dr. Tatyana Reznik is a practicing physician and a Certified Life Coach. She interviews many talented women physicians, diving into their journeys to success inside and outside of medicine. Her guests share practical tips from their areas of expertise you can easily apply to your life. Additionally, her solo episodes focus on many effective coaching tools to add more joy to your life. She is here to inspire  you, to elevate your voice, and to help you build your happiness toolkit for the journey to Joyful Success! Check out her website at joyfulsuccessliving.com.DISCLAIMER: The Voices of Women Physicians podcast is for entertainment purposes only and does not provide any medical, financial, tax, legal or psychological services or advice. You are responsible for your own wellbeing, decisions and results. Dr. Reznik is a practicing physician but Voices of Women Physicians podcast is not reflective of the opinion of her employer or her guests' employers. You should always contact a professional if you have any specific questions about your unique situation. 

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