Ep. 300 - Examining the Six Things That God Hates (Proverbs 6:16-19)

The Living Waters Podcast

God and hate are rarely associated together, yet understanding God’s nature reveals that He hates what opposes His love. God is a jealous God who desires our devotion. Sin, in many ways, represents hate because it separates us from Him. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk through Proverbs 6:16-19 which details what God hates, serving as a guide for what we should avoid. Sin is deadly serious, and though it leads to death, God extends mercy to those in Christ.

The first thing listed that God hates is a proud face. Pride, the root of the first temptation, places us at the center of our own story. It is particularly visible in environments like sports, where praise and accolades can lead to arrogance. Yet, pride doesn’t require a platform — anytime we see ourselves as the central figure, we edge into pride. True humility is recognizing that it’s Christ’s story, and we are privileged to be part of it. Next, God hates a lying tongue. Truth is vital because God embodies honesty. Lying defames God’s image and erodes our relationship with Him. In today’s world, lying is often normalized, but it’s first and foremost a sin against God. Lying is a shortcut, often motivated by the love of money, but God calls us to integrity, and immersing ourselves in His Word keeps us from deception.

When considering hands that shed innocent blood, abortion comes to mind. Millions of innocent lives are lost, yet God values life. We must stand against the destruction of life, recognizing that life is God’s gift. Abel’s blood cried out for justice, but Christ’s blood cried out for mercy, offering us salvation. God also hates a heart that devises wicked plans. Every one of us has devised evil at some point, but a new heart in Christ changes that. Premeditating sin is dangerous. Instead, God calls us to align our plans with His will. Similarly, He hates feet that are swift to run to evil. Sin is enticing, but we are to run from it, pursuing sanctification. Sin is always near, but with the power of the Spirit, we can flee from it.

Lastly, God hates one who sows discord among brothers. Unity within the church is precious, and causing division is detestable to God. We should strive to foster peace and unity, addressing gossip or negativity by creating positive environments. This passage is a stark reminder of God’s hatred for sin and His call for us to live in a way that honors Him. Through Christ, we have the power to turn from these things and live in righteousness, united as believers.

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Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
Ray Comfort
Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
Mark Spence
Oscar Navarro








