I once again revisit one of the finest Zep concerts, at least of the post 1973 era. July 24, 1979 at the Falkoner Theater in Copenhagen is absolutely brilliant concert by the biggest band in the world, playing a 1200 seat venue, as a warmup to their 200,000+ Knebworth shows the next month. I play Trampled Underfoot, In The Evening (2nd time played), and a raucous Whole Lotta Love with a new arrangement for a new era. All this in anticipation of the newly discovered live film from this show, to be released with synced sound by LedZepFilm, on 2/18/25 on his youtube channel. So cool.
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2025年2月17日 UTC 00:00
- 长度46 分钟
- 分级儿童不宜