Ep 36 Inner Critic Series: Limiting Beliefs

The Unlock Lab

In this episode of The Unlock Lab, I discuss how limiting beliefs impact our lives. I share personal stories about how I broke free from those doubts so that you can do the same thing. I also give you tips for silencing that inner critic that loves to drag us down. When you start to trust yourself and stay open to possibilities, amazing things can happen. So if you’re ready to shake off what’s been keeping you from shining, and step more fully into your power, this episode is for you!


  1. Unlock the next level of your life

  2. Overcome doubt using practical tips

  3. How limiting beliefs weaken your resilience over time



"I know that there's so much freedom in following our true desires and stopping the self doubt, and disrupting the limiting beliefs, and building the muscle of our truth."


"Limiting beliefs come part and parcel with every inner critic that we have. But I just wanted to dive in a little bit deeper to help to see where you might have limiting beliefs that you didn't even realize. Limiting beliefs force us into boxes and they can prevent us from taking action. They limit our view."


"It is something you have to deeply embed in your bones to have self belief, but perhaps even bigger than that to have belief in something bigger than yourself."


"Working a job we tell ourselves all these things about what's possible and what's not, and part of it is self protection. Part of it is overwhelm and just contributing to our inaction, and actually contributing to our bias of not wanting to do the hard thing…to get over ourselves."

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Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo

Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing  








