Ep 44 - Ever had a client turn on you?

The Beauty Build | Beauty Business Growth For Self Employed Beauty Pro's

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I have seen SO many beauty pro's lately sharing stories about clients turning on them when they've tried to uphold a boundary, change something or enforce a policy in their beauty business so let's talk about that in todays episode shall we!!

I cover the challenges we face, how clients perception needs changing and ultimately how to avoid having a client turn on you for asking to be treated like a business owner.

I hope you can take some valuable insights from this episode and implement them into your daily life and business. If you do please take a screen shot and tag me in your stories and leave a review, your feedback is invaluable!

If you need help and are serious about growing your beauty business- get inside my membership the four figure focus here:

If you'd like to work with me 1:1 or discuss future episode features, ads or events please contact me  on zaaraking@thebeautybuild.com

Connect with me on social media for all things upcoming:
Instagram @zaaraking
Facebook @zaaraking.coach

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