District of Conservation

District of Conservation is a podcast highlighting the incredible conservationists who thrive and survive deep in or around "The Swamp." These are the policymakers, storytellers, trailblazers, and hardworking folks who go unnoticed but shape this region—whether they live or work here. In addition to guests, the podcast will also cover difficult and even controversial conservation public policy matters and news.
Thank you for taking the time to put out information on conservation.
2024. 04. 07.
Keep it up
very good, very important
2023. 11. 16.
always concise and very informative. keep it up.
Save Idaho #StopLavaRidge. Thank you for your help
2023. 02. 14.
It is very difficult to get any attention for isolated rural areas. We are go grateful you spread the news about Lava Ridge Wind Turbine Project that will be on 76,000 acres of public land. Most states have very little public land for the people to enjoy as multi use land. The Magic Valley in South Central Idaho is very unique. Thank you for coming to enjoy the vast High Desert Plains, Snake River Canyon and Craters of the Moon. The commercial wind turbine projects will desecrate this vast undeveloped land with its fragile ecosystems. Wildlife depend on the area for winter migration and forage. Magic Valley has a good economy with ranching and farming made possible by an aquifer. Ranchers with grazing rights still have sheep, cattle and horse herds rotating on grazing allotments. The livestock decrease fuel to help prevent wildfires by grazing. The grazers share this land with hunters, campers, recreations and wildlife enthusiasts. The Snake River Aquifer under the ancient lava flows is compared to the size of Lake Erie. Springs of fresh water gush from the canyon walls and floor. Our water is precious and we fear harm will come to our aquifer.
Thank you!
2023. 01. 03.
I enjoyed being a part of the podcast this week and have enjoyed listening to other episodes as well. A great podcast for those interested in hunting, wildlife, and conservation!
- 제작진Gabriella Hoffman
- 방송 연도2018년 - 2025년
- 에피소드489
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© Gabriella Hoffman
- 웹사이트 보기