Rattle Poetry

Rattle Poetry

Meet a new poet every week, as they talk life and share poems with Rattle's editor, Timothy Green. All that, plus Poets Respond and the Prompt Lines—live every Monday! Rattle is a publication of the Rattle Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the practice of poetry, and is not affiliated with any other organization.

  1. ep. 283 - Judith Fox

    3월 2일

    ep. 283 - Judith Fox

    Judith Fox is an award-winning fine art photographer, poet, public speaker, and business leader. The temporary service she founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1978 was purchased by a NYSE firm in 1996. During her business career, Fox served on many for-profit and non-profit boards, was a public speaker and consultant. After selling her company, Judith devoted herself full-time to photography and writing. Fox’s award-winning photographs are in the permanent collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), the Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA), the Southeast Museum of Photography (SMP), the Harry Ransom Center, the Haggerty Museum of Art, and the Harn Museum; her work is in private and corporate collections throughout the world. Fox’s photographs have been exhibited in solo and group shows in the United States and Europe. After her book I Still Do: Loving and Living with Alzheimer’s was released, Fox became a global advocate for Alzheimer’s awareness and education. She’s been a speaker and consultant on Alzheimer’s and family caregiving for corporations, non-profit associations and universities. I Still Do was named “one of the best photography books of 2009” by Photo-Eye Magazine. Judith Fox lives and works in Southern California and is currently working on a collection of poetry. Find more information at: https://www.judithfox.com/ As always, we'll also include the live Prompt Lines for responses to our weekly prompt. A Zoom link will be provided in the chat window during the show before that segment begins. For links to all the past episodes, visit: https://www.rattle.com/rattlecast/ This Week’s Prompt: Write a poem about the happiest place on earth. Next Week’s Prompt: Write a poem about a time that you carried more than you ever thought possible, and include a reference to temperature. The Rattlecast livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, then becomes an audio podcast. Find it on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

    1시간 55분
  2. ep. 281 - Todd Robinson

    2월 16일

    ep. 281 - Todd Robinson

    Todd Robinson, affectionately known to acolytes as "Toddfather," is a poet and educator based in Omaha. He is the author of Mass for Shut-Ins (Backwaters Press, 2018) and Note at Heart Rock (Main Street Rag Publishing, 2012). Recipient of the 2011-2012 Thompson Learning Community’s Outstanding Faculty Award, he has conducted writing workshops with The Seven Doctors Project, The Naturalist School, Nebraska Warrior Writers, Nebraska Writers Collective, and the CÚRAM center for research in medical devices. He is founder and host of the Kaneko Art Museum’s Bibliophilia reading series, which is currently on a long pandemic pause. He earned a B.A. and M.A. from Creighton University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He serves as vice president on the board of directors of Big Feels Lab. Find more information at: https://www.toddfather.net As always, we'll also include the live Prompt Lines for responses to our weekly prompt. A Zoom link will be provided in the chat window during the show before that segment begins. For links to all the past episodes, visit: https://www.rattle.com/rattlecast/ This Week’s Prompt: Write a poem that includes a memory you’ve never shared. Include dialogue. Next Week’s Prompt: Write a poem that includes an unexpected vow. The Rattlecast livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, then becomes an audio podcast. Find it on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

    1시간 59분
  3. ep. 278 - Kim Addonizio

    1월 26일

    ep. 278 - Kim Addonizio

    Kim Addonizio was featured with a tribute to her and her poetry students in issue 67 and featured on Rattlecast 88. Kim authored nine poetry collections, two novels, two story collections, and two books on writing poetry: The Poet’s Companion (with Dorianne Laux) and Ordinary Genius. Her most recent collection is Exit Opera (W.W. Norton, September 2024). She has received fellowships from the NEA and Guggenheim Foundation, and Pushcart Prizes in both poetry and the essay. Tell Me was a National Book Award Finalist in poetry. Recent books include Now We're Getting Somewhere: Poems (W.W. Norton) and a memoir, Bukowski in a Sundress: Confessions from a Writing Life (Penguin). Find more information at: https://www.kimaddonizio.com As always, we'll also include the live Prompt Lines for responses to our weekly prompt. A Zoom link will be provided in the chat window during the show before that segment begins. For links to all the past episodes, visit: https://www.rattle.com/rattlecast/ This Week’s Prompt: Write a poem with a title that begins with “Poem in Which I” after Denise Duhamel. For the next word in the title, find a random verb on randomwordgenerator.com. Next Week’s Prompt: Write a poem that explores the perspective of the other side, and arrives somewhere opposite to where the poem begins. The Rattlecast livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, then becomes an audio podcast. Find it on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

    2시간 1분
최고 5점
74개의 평가


Meet a new poet every week, as they talk life and share poems with Rattle's editor, Timothy Green. All that, plus Poets Respond and the Prompt Lines—live every Monday! Rattle is a publication of the Rattle Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the practice of poetry, and is not affiliated with any other organization.

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