56 min

Ep. 60 Advice From Andrea’s Army Special Forces Dad: When Life Knocks You Down, Do This! with Jeff Conti THE UNRULE/Y ENTREPRENEUR BY ANDREA CROWDER

    • Entrepreneurship

"Yes, see that's the learning the losing situation. There's the next step which is learning the winning situation. So not only am I not going to get knocked down, but now that I'm prepared for not being knocked down, I need to think and prepare for winning."

In this episode I bring back my dad, Jeff Conti, to have a conversation about resiliency. Life is going to happen and in my work lately I have had multiple conversations around things that “shouldn’t” be the way they are and I disagree I think believing things “should” be the way they are is more useful. My dad’s background in the special forces, draws parallels between combat strategies and overcoming life's hurdles, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and resilient.

We talk about the importance of standing your ground in tough times and how the words we use can significantly influence our reactions to difficulties. Our conversation touches on the importance of self-awareness, making deliberate choices, and the continuous drive towards triumph, in our personal lives as well as in our careers.

Remember you are so resourced, here are the ones mentioned today:
Dad’s Clearing Alcohol Cravings with RRT Episode

Episode Outline:
Embracing a Predator Mindset (00:05:57)Understanding the Predator Mindset (00:13:40)Celebrating Success and Protecting Others (00:23:54)Embracing a Predator Mindset (00:29:27)Preparing for Life's Hits (00:31:23)Validating the Use of "Should" (00:39:24)Circle of Reactivity (00:46:49)
Get the magic of WAP: Wealth Alignment Patterns HERE use code PODCASTWAP for a special discount!

Leave me a voicemail HERE with your question for a chance to have it answered on a future episode!
Get notifications when new episodes drop by tapping the "follow" button! And if you loved this episode, follow me on Instagram @love_andreacrowder & let me know by leaving a review! 👯‍♀️

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"Yes, see that's the learning the losing situation. There's the next step which is learning the winning situation. So not only am I not going to get knocked down, but now that I'm prepared for not being knocked down, I need to think and prepare for winning."

In this episode I bring back my dad, Jeff Conti, to have a conversation about resiliency. Life is going to happen and in my work lately I have had multiple conversations around things that “shouldn’t” be the way they are and I disagree I think believing things “should” be the way they are is more useful. My dad’s background in the special forces, draws parallels between combat strategies and overcoming life's hurdles, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and resilient.

We talk about the importance of standing your ground in tough times and how the words we use can significantly influence our reactions to difficulties. Our conversation touches on the importance of self-awareness, making deliberate choices, and the continuous drive towards triumph, in our personal lives as well as in our careers.

Remember you are so resourced, here are the ones mentioned today:
Dad’s Clearing Alcohol Cravings with RRT Episode

Episode Outline:
Embracing a Predator Mindset (00:05:57)Understanding the Predator Mindset (00:13:40)Celebrating Success and Protecting Others (00:23:54)Embracing a Predator Mindset (00:29:27)Preparing for Life's Hits (00:31:23)Validating the Use of "Should" (00:39:24)Circle of Reactivity (00:46:49)
Get the magic of WAP: Wealth Alignment Patterns HERE use code PODCASTWAP for a special discount!

Leave me a voicemail HERE with your question for a chance to have it answered on a future episode!
Get notifications when new episodes drop by tapping the "follow" button! And if you loved this episode, follow me on Instagram @love_andreacrowder & let me know by leaving a review! 👯‍♀️

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56 min