In this enchanting episode, journey into a magical forest where a brave huntsman discovers a wild man with rusty iron skin. The tale unfolds as the king’s son, driven by curiosity, unlocks the wild man's cage, setting off a chain of mystical events. From golden hair to heroic battles, and finally, a royal wedding, this story is filled with adventure, trials, and surprises. Discover how the wild man, Iron Hans, reveals his true identity and bestows treasures upon the young prince.
Tune in to this captivating episode and explore all the magical tales on Audio Pitara!
- 節目
- 頻道
- 頻率隔週更新
- 發佈時間2024年9月29日 上午11:30 [UTC]
- 長度25 分鐘
- 集數62
- 年齡分級兒少適宜