Ep #7- The Universal Laws

Are Ya Well Podcast

Hello Everyone, 

Grace & Katie are back this week talking about the 12 Universal Laws, what they are, how they work and our take on them. 

The 12 Universal Laws: 

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

2. The Law of Vibration

3. The Law of Action

4. The Law of Correspondence

5. The Law of Cause and Effect

6. The Law of Compensation

7. The Law of Attraction

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

9. The Law of Relativity

10. The Law of Polarity

11. The Law of Rhythm

12. The Law of Gender

We hope you enjoy!

As always we would love to hear from you with any suggestions or feedback!

Much Love,

Grace & Katie

Follow us on Instagram/Facebook - @areyawellpodcast Katie: @wellness.with.katie.d Grace: @gracembutler 

Email us: areyawellpodcast@gmail.com

For anyone in need of some support:

Are Ya Well Podcast is full of real conversations about wellness, health, life, the universe, general wellbeing and much more. Our goal to provide high vibrational content rooted in reality to help as many people as possible get the very most out of their lives in their own unique way.








