Ep 85: Alyssa Milano vs Shannen Doherty: Feuding Actresses Go Head-to-Head in TV Movie Competition
Two former "Charmed" co-stars are in the midst of a very public feud. There's only one way to settle this: Having them battle it out in a Movie of the Week of the Week competition. Who gave the better performance in an early 1990s made for TV film: Shannen or Alyssa? Let's find out together, shall we? 0:00 - The Alyssa Milano vs Shannen Doherty Feud 14:45 - Casualties of Love (A movie where Alyssa Milano plays Amy Fisher, "The Long Island Lolita") 36:11 - Obsessed (A Shannen Doherty TV movie) 54:05 - Reviews and Comparisons Full movies: Casualties of Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhx1WD49CB8&pp=ygUeYWx5c3NhIG1pbGFubyBhbXkgZmlzaGVyIG1vdmll Obsessed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdzJRro0vow&pp=ygUXb2JzZXNzZWQgbW92aWUgc2hhbm5lbiA%3D
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2024年8月18日 UTC 00:51
- 长度31 分钟
- 分级儿童不宜