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  1. EP10-Daily life with GPT:使用GPT来准备托福考试是搞笑吗?


    EP10-Daily life with GPT:使用GPT来准备托福考试是搞笑吗?

    Hello 大家好,欢迎收听我们今天的节目。相信这几天关心GPT发展的朋友们大多都发现了这样的一个事情,那就是GPT以及其他的AGI服务开始封杀用户了。最开始是Midjourney封杀了大量的免费用户,因为他们发现很多的用户在免费额度用完之后就开始批量注册新的免费用户,这样给Midjourney的服务带来了巨大的压力,因此Midjourney一不做二不休直接停止了免费用户的使用,同时还封禁了一批批量注册的账号。而就在Midjourney的风波还没过去的期间,我们又发现了Openai开始封锁不合规使用他们服务的账号了。而且不论这个账号是否开通了chatgpt plus,一时间各种猜测,各种阴谋论蜂拥而至,不过仔细一想,这些都是很正常的事情,因为这些AGI服务都是商业化的,他们的目的就是为了赚钱,而不是为了给我们免费提供服务。况且现在还有安全合规的风险,非法的不合规的使用肯定会带来一些不可预知的风险,所以一不做二不休,直接封杀。不过,我觉得openai封杀账号的背后肯定还有别的原因,我不是什么阴谋论者,也不知道任何的内幕,但是从一些事情变化的迹象上看,还是能够窥探出一些信息的。 我们都知道,openai在3月14日公布了他们的GPT4模型,并且直接就开发了服务,Chatgpt plus的用户可以直接的使用GPT4模型用于他们的对话,这一点是值得称赞的。但是GPT4的服务性能直到今天都还没能够得到明显的提升。甚至还有劣化的情况,毕竟一开始GPT4的使用限制是每小时100个对话,然后逐渐降到了印象中是每2小时50个对话,最近则又降到了每3小时25个对话。其实我认为这才是openai目前封禁用户不合规使用的主要原因,据我看到的消息生成,每一个用户使用chatgpt完成一次对话,平均openai会独占2两块A100显卡5秒钟。而考虑到GPT4模型的规模要大很多,资源的使用势必也会翻倍,这样也就不难解释为什么GPT4的服务质量一直很难得到提升的原因了,因为目前GPT4的使用量显然还处于上升期,而这个阶段资源消耗的增量显然是高于优化速度的,这从前面的使用量限制就不难看出来,那么在这种情况下,作为openai最明星的产品,如何能够保障,就别说提升了,GPT4的服务呢,最为简单有效的方式就是更加合理的分配chatgpt对于资源的消耗了,而为了实现这个,最简单的方法当然就是停止或者限制非法使用的情况。这也就不难解释为什么openai会在现在动手了。 好了,扯了很多有的没的。回到今天的主题,那就是我其实日常的生活和工作中已经很难离开GPT的服务了。刚好因为工作的原因,本周末我要参加TOEFL的家考,所以为了能够更好的临时抱佛脚,我自然要看看如何使用GPT来帮我备考了。所以我自然就让GPT这位语言大拿给我出出主意了。虽然日常工作中会经常的使用到英语,大家也应该知道我日常也会可以加强英语的体力,但是对于写作,确实很少染指,所以我就首先问了GPT关于写作的问题。一同寒暄之后,GPT终于给出了一些我觉得可能有用的信息,例如在TOEFL考试中高概率会被用到的词汇啊,还有一些写作的框架啊,那既然如此,为啥不让GPT直接给我做一个范文呢?所以就有了下面的这篇文章,当然我为了强化那些重点单词的记忆,强行的让GPT劣化了文章的质量,目的就是为了把这些单词给塞进去,那我们就一起看看GPT到底给出了啥吧。 首先是重点的单词,GPT整理了20多个重点的词汇,我依然按照自己喜欢的方式让GPT解释了这些词汇,并且给出了例句。 This a list of useful words that frequently appear in academic texts and on the TOEFL. Keep in mind that this is just a small sample, and you should continue to expand your vocabulary beyond these words. Analyze (verb, 分析) - to examine in detail, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation. Explanation: Analyzing involves breaking down complex information or data into smaller, more understandable components to gain insights or make decisions. Example: Scientists analyze data from experiments to draw conclusions about their hypotheses. Cite (verb, 引用) - to quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement. Explanation: Citing involves mentioning or referencing specific sources or examples to support a claim or argument. Example: In academic papers, authors cite previous research to build upon existing knowledge. Comprehend (verb, 理解) - to grasp mentally; understand. Explanation: Comprehending refers to the ability to fully understand or make sense of something, either through reading, listening, or observation. Example: Learning a new language helps improve one's ability to comprehend different cultures and perspectives. Diverse (adjective, 多样的) - showing a great deal of variety; very different. Explanation: Describes a wide range of distinct elements, characteristics, or individuals, often leading to greater creativity and adaptability. Example: A diverse workforce can bring unique perspectives and skills to a company. Evaluate (verb, 评估) - to form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess. Explanation: Evaluating involves making judgments or determining the worth or effectiveness of something, often based on specific criteria or evidence. Example: Teachers evaluate student performance through exams and assignments. Hypothesis (noun, 假设) - a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. Explanation: A hypothesis is a tentative idea or theory that can be tested through experiments or observations to determine its validity. Example: The scientist formed a hypothesis about the relationship between the variables and designed an experiment to test it. Justify (verb, 证明) - to show or prove to be right or reasonable. Explanation: Justifying involves providing evidence, reasoning, or arguments that demonstrate the correctness or acceptability of a decision, action, or belief. Example: The manager justified the budget increase by presenting data on the project's potential benefits. Objective (adjective, 客观的) - not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. Explanation: Objective statements or assessments are based on facts, evidence, or logic, rather than subjective feelings or opinions. Example: An objective evaluation of a product's performance should be based on measurable criteria and data. Perspective (noun, 观点) - a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. Explanation: A perspective is an individual's unique way of understanding or interpreting a situation, event, or concept, often shaped by personal experiences and beliefs. Example: Considering multiple perspectives can help create a more comprehensive understanding of an issue. Primary (adjective, 主要的) - of chief importance; principal. Explanation: Describes something that is the most important or essential in a particular context, often serving as a foundation for other elements or aspects. Example: The primary goal of the project is to improve customer satisfaction. Relevance (noun, 相关性) - the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate. Explanation: Relevance refers to the degree to which something is related or applicable to a specific context, topic, or issue. Example: The article's content has strong relevance to the current debate on climate change. Significant (adjective, 重要的) - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy. Explanation: Describes something that is important, meaningful, or influential, often having a noticeable or lasting impact. Example: The discovery of penicillin had a significant effect on medicine and healthcare. Substantiate (verb, 证实) - to provide evidence to support or prove the truth of something. Explanation: Substantiating involves presenting facts, data, or other forms of evidence that support or confirm a claim, argument, or belief. Example: The researcher substantiated her theory with empirical data collected from her experiments. Theoretical (adjective, 理论的) - concerned with or involving the general principles or ideas of a subject, rather than its practical application. Explanation: Theoretical approaches focus on the abstract, conceptual aspects of a subject, as opposed to the practical, real-world applications or implications. Example: Theoretical physics seeks to understand the fundamental principles of the universe through mathematical models and equations. Widespread (adjective, 广泛的) - found or distributed over a large area or number of people. Explanation: Describes something that is common, prevalent, or extensive, often spanning a broad geographic area or affecting many individuals. Example: The widespread use of smartphones has changed the way people communicate and access information. Ambiguous (adjective, 模糊的) - open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. Explanation: Describes something that is unclear, vague, or open to multiple interpretations, often leading to confusion or uncertainty. Example: The ambiguous wording of the contract led to a disagreement between the parties. Coherent (adjective, 连贯的) - logically connected; consistent; having a clear and orderly presentation of ideas or thoughts. Explanation: Coherent ideas, arguments, or narratives are logically organized and easy to understand, with a clear and consistent structure. Example: The author presented a coherent argument by logically organizing their points and providing relevant evi

    25 phút
  2. EP09-超越Notion:用GPT技术颠覆个人知识库的构建与管理



    友情提示:本期内容比较硬核,超长,主要目的也是为了自己整理对于GPT的理解,希望对大家也有帮助。 Hello,大家好,欢迎收听我们的播客!很高兴地告诉大家,这已经是近一周内我更新的第三期播客了!之所以能如此高效地制作播客,当然要归功于GPT模型。它在很大程度上简化了我们制作播客内容、进行知识储备、消化和整理的过程。今天,我们要谈论的内容主要是关于个人知识库整理的一些想法,这些想法源于我和ChatGPT在对话过程中的探讨。正好,身边的一些朋友也在问我关于GPT使用的技术细节,特别是如何然GPT能够基于给定的上下来进行问题的理解,例如我们需要GPT针对于一个特定的pdf文档来进行理解让后尝试回到我提出来的问题等等。于是,我就和ChatGPT进行了一番深入的沟通,一起来看看它是如何帮助我们解答这些问题的。所以,大家不要惊讶,接下来我们要谈论的内容都是在我的引导下,由GPT完整生成的。当然,这段开场白也是如此。 在这个瞬息万变的社会中,知识的积累和管理越来越受到重视。为了随时随地找到和学习相关信息,拥有个人知识库变得至关重要。传统上,我们通过整理书籍、笔记和文件来搭建知识库,但这需要我们投入大量时间和精力进行分类、归档和查找。而现在,随着技术的进步,我们有了更高效的方法来解决这个问题。 近年来,Notion这样的数字化笔记应用受到了很多人的喜爱。它提供了一个统一的平台,让我们可以轻松地创建、组织和共享各种类型的内容。通过使用Notion,我们可以构建一个简单而易于维护的知识库。然而,Notion的功能主要还是集中在对文本内容的组织和管理,对于知识的自动提取和推荐方面并没有过多涉及。 而GPT(生成预训练变压器)等自然语言处理(NLP)技术为我们提供了一种更加智能化的方式来构建、维护和扩展知识库。借助这些技术,我们可以迅速将文本资料转换成数字化格式,方便进行检索、分类和分析。更重要的是,GPT等NLP技术可以帮助我们自动提取文本中的知识点,并根据我们的需求智能地推荐新的知识内容。 因此,与Notion等传统数字化笔记应用相比,使用GPT等NLP技术构建知识库具有更强的智能性和灵活性。这种方法为我们的知识积累和管理带来了前所未有的便利,让我们能够更好地利用知识,丰富我们的生活。 所以下面我们就来一期了解下,如果我们想要使用GPT的技术来实现个人知识库的话,我们需要做些什么呢?不过在了解具体的实现方法之前,我们先来了解一下GPT的基本原理。这里就涉及到了两个非常关键的技术名词,Transformer和Embedding。这两个名词在GPT的技术实现中起到了非常重要的作用,所以我们先来了解一下这两个名词的含义。 我们都知道,计算机只能处理数字,而不能直接处理文字。因此,我们需要将文字转换成计算机可以处理的数字格式,这就是文本嵌入(embedding)的作用。文本嵌入是一种将文本表示成数值格式的技术。简单来说,文本嵌入就是将一段文字或词汇转换成计算机可以处理的数字形式。这样做的目的是让计算机更容易地理解和处理这些文本数据。举个例子,如果我们有一个句子:“我喜欢吃苹果。”,我们可以使用文本嵌入技术将这个句子转换成一串数字,以便计算机能够处理这个句子。 数值向量是一个包含一组数字的列表,通常用来表示某个对象的特征。在文本嵌入的上下文中,数值向量通常用来表示一个词或短语的特征。比如说,我们可以将“苹果”这个词表示为一个数值向量:[0.5, 0.8, -0.3],这个向量可能表示了这个词在某个特定空间中的位置。这样一来,我们就可以通过比较不同词的数值向量来衡量它们之间的相似度。这种方法使得我们可以在计算机中更有效地处理和分析文本数据。 用更为通俗的语言来解释就是,当然也许不是那么的严谨,在文本向量化(embedding)的过程中,我们将句子中的 词语转换成数值向量(空间坐标),这些向量通常位于高维空间中。这样一来,相似的词语或句子在空间中的距离会更近,而不相似的词语或句子距离会远一些。 换句话说,向量化后的文本可以通过计算向量之间的距离(如余弦相似度)来衡量其相似度或相关性。距离较近的文本在语义上更相似,因此我们可以认为它们具有较高的相关性。这种表示方法使得我们能够更有效地进行文本比较、分类和聚类等任务。所以你理解了第一个重要的概念embedding(文本嵌入)。 所以我们可以将文本嵌入(embedding)理解为将文本转换成计算机可以处理的数字格式的过程。而Transformer则是一种用于文本嵌入的算法。它是一种基于注意力机制(Attention Mechanism)的神经网络架构,可以将文本转换成数值向量。Transformer的结构我也找了一张图(the-annotated-transformer_14_0.png (380×560) (,放到了文稿中,大家可以在文稿中查看。不过相信这样,到底什么是Transformer,大家应该还是不太容易理解的,所以我也尝试用更为通俗的语言来解释一下Transformer。 Transformer 模型通过注意力机制实现对与当前任务相关的重要部分的信息的关注。注意力机制的关键思想是为文本中的每个词分配一个权重,这个权重表示当前词对于整个句子或文本的重要性。在处理文本时,模型会根据这些权重来关注那些重要的词汇,而忽略掉不太重要的信息。 为了实现这一点,Transformer 模型采用了一种称为自注意力(self-attention)的技术。自注意力机制允许模型计算每个词与其他所有词之间的关系,从而确定哪些词对于理解整个文本最为关键。具体来说,自注意力机制会为每个词生成一个查询(query)、键(key)和值(value)的向量表示。接下来,模型会计算每个词的查询向量与其他所有词的键向量之间的相似度。这个相似度值就是注意力权重。 这些权重然后与对应的值向量相乘,最后将结果相加,得到一个新的表示当前词的向量。这个新向量捕捉到了与当前词最为相关的信息,从而使模型能够关注与当前任务相关的重要部分。 通过自注意力机制,Transformer 模型可以在处理文本时灵活地关注到重要的信息,从而提高对文本的理解和表示能力。 这样说你是不是还是不太理解Transformer,有点似懂非懂的意思。没关系,我再举个例子,你看看下面这个例子,你是不是就能理解Transformer了。 想象你正在参加一个聚会,你的目标是了解关于某个特定话题(比如电影)的讨论。在房间里,有很多人在同时谈话,每个人都在说一些不同的话题。这时,你需要一种方法来判断每个人的谈话内容是否与你关心的话题相关,以及它们之间的关联程度。 为了实现这个目标,你可以尝试以下策略: 你首先会倾听每个人的谈话,找出提到了电影的那些讨论。 对于那些提到了电影的讨论,你会进一步关注这些谈话内容中的细节,了解它们与电影话题的关联程度以及其他人对这个话题的看法。 基于这些信息,你会给每个讨论分配一个权重,表示它们与你关心的话题的相关程度。 最后,你会聚焦于那些权重较高的讨论,因为它们与你关心的话题更为相关。 Transformer 模型通过自注意力机制实现了类似的过程。在处理文本时,模型首先计算每个词与其他所有词之间的关系,然后为每个词分配一个权重。这些权重表示每个词与当前任务的关联程度。通过关注这些权重较高的词,模型可以集中处理与当前任务相关的重要信息。 在这个过程中,自注意力机制可以让模型更加高效地处理文本,因为它能够同时关注多个词汇,而不需要逐个处理。这就像你可以快速地关注到聚会中与电影相关的讨论,而不必逐个倾听每个人的谈话。 总之,Transformer 模型通过自注意力机制实现了对与当前任务相关的重要信息的关注。这种机制可以让模型同时关注多个词汇,并根据它们之间的关系来判断哪些词更加重要。这样,模型就可以更好地理解文本内容,从而提高其处理能力。 好了,到这里,这集播客中最重要的技术解释就完成了,理解了这两个关键的技术,你就可以更好地理解GPT模型了。你也可以很自豪的告诉别人,你对于GPT的理解已经超过了大多数的人了。当然更为重要的是基于这两个概念的理解,你就很容易在未来的工作乃至生活中更好的思考GPT如何更好的服务于你了。 OK,那让我们来看看如何思考使用GPT来解决你的问题吧。例如今天我们要讨论的个人知识库的构建。在本集播客的开始。我们已经提到了,对于个人知识库的构建,其实目前已经有一些比较成熟的应用了,例如Notion。它提供了一个统一的平台,让我们可以轻松地创建、组织和共享各种类型的内容。通过使用Notion,我们可以构建一个简单而易于维护的知识库。那GPT的加入会带来哪些明显的变化呢?首先就是文本嵌入技术的使用,也就是知识库的构建从传统的文

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  3. EP08让GPT继续扯淡,我们来继续学习英语,微软的语音融合有点厉害



    hello,大家好,欢迎收听今天的节目,首先我必须得说在GPT的帮助下,节目的产出速度确实会得到极大的提升,毕竟很多的内容整理和准备的过程都可以通过GPT的处理得到极大的精简,例如对于词汇的整理和分析的过程,还有就是能够生成支持多角色文本转语音所需要的SSML脚本。 相信大家在上一期的节目中应该能够非常明显的感受到文本转语音的痕迹,毕竟因为时间非常的仓促,同时为了实现多角色的转换,我使用了相对熟悉的google cloud text to speech服务,但可能因为我的操作不够熟练,导致了一些问题,例如在转换的过程中,会出现一些不自然的连贯,同时对于停顿的处理也较为生硬。所以这一次的节目中,我们尝试使用了微软的语音合成服务,也让大家体验下不同的语音合成服务带来的不同体验。 好了言归正传,作为一个帮助自己提升英语能力的项目,这次的音频内容其实是对上期中Emma所创建的EmpowerME项目的延续,当然所有的内容也都是GPT所生成的,说实话我还是很惊讶GPT编故事的能力的,同时我在文本的准备上也做了一些调整以更利于学习中参考,下面就让我们继续感受GPT扯淡的能力吧,哈哈。Emma的故事还在继续。。。 为了便于学习,我会将所有GPT生成的文本内容都放出来,这样便于对照。 As EmpowerMe continued to gain recognition and success, Emma received a prestigious invitation to speak at an international technology conference. She was excited to share her experience and knowledge with other entrepreneurs and professionals in the industry. While preparing for her speech, Emma began to ponder the future of EmpowerMe. She knew that to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of technology, she needed to innovate and expand her platform's capabilities. Emma decided to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to enhance the effectiveness of her employee retention software. With her team of dedicated software engineers, Emma began developing AI algorithms to predict employee behavior and identify potential retention risks. By analyzing vast amounts of data, the machine learning models could uncover hidden patterns and provide actionable insights to help managers address issues proactively. During the development process, Emma was careful to maintain a balance between innovation and practicality. She was aware that the integration of AI could raise ethical concerns and potential privacy issues. To mitigate these risks, she implemented stringent data protection measures and maintained transparency with her clients about the use of AI in EmpowerMe. When the new AI-powered version of EmpowerMe was ready, Emma unveiled it at the technology conference. The audience was captivated by her presentation, and the cutting-edge features of her software were met with acclaim. Many attendees approached her afterwards, eager to learn more about the potential applications of AI and machine learning in employee retention and development. The success of the conference presentation led to a surge of new clients for EmpowerMe. Companies from various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, were keen to implement the AI-driven platform to enhance their employee retention strategies. One such company, a leading automaker, approached Emma with a unique challenge. They sought to integrate EmpowerMe with their existing human-robot collaboration systems to foster a better work environment for their employees and improve the synergy between humans and robots. Intrigued by the prospect, Emma and her team worked diligently to develop a tailored solution, further expanding the scope and application of her software. As EmpowerMe continued to flourish, Emma remained committed to her vision of empowering employees and helping businesses overcome major hurdles. Her resilience, innovation, and dedication to ethical practices made her a role model for entrepreneurs and technology enthusiasts worldwide. Emma's journey demonstrated that with perseverance and a strong belief in one's vision, anything is possible. --- Thanks for your listening,,and here are the important words with explanations and examples: prestigious (adjective) - having high status, respect, or esteem; regarded as impressive or important. Example: Emma received a prestigious award for her groundbreaking work in educational technology. ponder (verb) - to think carefully about something, usually for a period of time. Example: As Emma sat at her desk, she pondered the potential benefits of integrating AI into her platform. rapidly evolving (adjective) - changing, advancing, or developing at a quick pace. Example: In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest innovations. integrate (verb) - to combine or incorporate different elements or aspects so that they work together. Example: Emma decided to integrate AI capabilities into her software platform to make it more effective. ethical concerns (noun) - issues or considerations relating to moral principles, values, or standards. Example: The use of AI in educational platforms raises ethical concerns, such as potential privacy violations. privacy issues (noun) - problems or concerns relating to the protection of an individual's personal information and data. Example: Emma took privacy issues seriously and implemented strict data protection measures to ensure user confidentiality. mitigate (verb) - to lessen or reduce the severity, impact, or intensity of something harmful or negative. Example: Emma worked on strategies to mitigate potential risks associated with the integration of AI into her platform. captivated (verb) - attracted and held the attention or interest of someone, as by beauty or excellence. Example: The audience was captivated by Emma's presentation on the innovative features of her software. synergy (noun) - the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Example: The synergy between Emma's software and the company's existing systems led to significant improvements in productivity. resilience (noun) - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or adversity; the ability to adapt well in the face of challenges. Example: Emma's resilience in overcoming obstacles and setbacks inspired others in the technology community to persevere in their own endeavors. --- As the story mentioned, Emma make a successful speech at the technology conference, and she also received a prestigious award for her groundbreaking work in educational technology. So here below is the recording of her speech: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and fellow technology enthusiasts, Thank you for inviting me to speak at this prestigious event. Today, I am honored to share with you the journey behind EmpowerMe, a software platform that has transformed the way businesses approach employee retention and professional development. In a rapidly evolving world, it is crucial for companies to keep up with the latest innovations and offer their employees opportunities for growth. With EmpowerMe, we aimed to create a platform that addresses this need by curating customized training programs tailored to each individual's strengths and weaknesses. Our journey began with a vision to empower people through technology. We pondered the potential benefits of integrating artificial intelligence into our platform, but we also had to consider the ethical concerns and privacy issues that come with AI. To mitigate these risks, we developed strict data protection measures and focused on maintaining user confidentiality. The core of EmpowerMe lies in its ability to analyze employee performance and present curated learning materials that enhance their skills. This approach has captivated businesses in Technoville and beyond, leading to improvements in employee retention rates and overall company growth. As we expanded our platform, we encountered new challenges, such as adapting EmpowerMe for remote workforces. By demonstrating resilience and continuously innovating, we successfully modified the platform to cater to both in-office and remote employees. Throughout our journey, we have witnessed the synergy between our software and existing company systems, leading to remarkable increases in productivity. This is a testament to the power of collaboration and the potential of technology when used responsibly and ethically. In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported EmpowerMe's mission. We are committed to helping businesses nurture and retain their most valuable assets – their employees. Together, we can shape a more productive and empowered workforce, and I am excited to see what the future holds for us all. Thank you. --- Here are the important words highlighted in the article, along with their explanations and examples: Esteemed (尊敬的) - respected and admired. Explanation: Esteemed is used to describe someone who is greatly respected and admired. Example: The esteemed professor received numerous awards for his groundbreaking research. Prestigious (有声望的) - having a high reputation or great respect. Explanation: Prestigious is used to describe something or someone that has a high reputation or is highly respected. Example: She was awarded a prestigious scholarship to study at the top university. Curating (策划) - selecting, organizing, and presenting. Explanation: Curating is the process of selecting, organizing, and presenting items, typically for an exhibition or collection. Example: The museum hired an expert to curate a new exhibition on ancient artifacts. a Artificial intelligence (AI) (人工智能) - the development of computer systems

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  4. EP07一篇几乎由GPT生成的播客,一次使用GPT进行英语学习的尝试



    hello 大家好,欢迎收听今天的节目,这一期的节目我们来尝试一些不一样的,算是对于未来播客模式的一种探索了。其实我的动机非常的简单,那就是能够按照我希望的方式来提升自己的英语水平,而目前最大的障碍对于我来说就是如何能够相对精准的提升我的工作词汇量,所以我想到了这样一个办法,寻找一个科技类的文章,让GPT能够进行适当的总结以确保我对于文章的核心理解是相对准确的,同时我需要GPT来帮我识别那些对于我的工作真正有帮助的词汇,GPT需要对这些词汇进行解释,并给出例句。我相信这是大家都能想到同时也一定是最为简单实用的方案了。 不过对于我而言,我一直遵循着学习英语从听开始的原则,因此想要学习这些词汇,单纯的依靠GPT的整理就先得不够了,我必须将他们转换成我所希望的真的能够帮助我学习的形式,就是通过GPT来帮助我生成一些文章,然后我再去听这些文章,这样就能够提升我的工作词汇量了。所以今天我们就来尝试一下。今天内容的开始其实是我在Medium上面看到了一个标题为“31 Business Ideas for 2023” 这样的一篇文章,我其实对于文章的内容是不博爱有什么太大的希望的,结果自然也没有太出乎意料,不过既然看了,就还是以此作为开始吧。所以呢,我就让GPT按照之前我们说的方式开始了工作,那么我们就来看看GPT生成的内容吧。 Here are the top 10 important words from the list, along with their definitions and example sentences to help reinforce your understanding: 1. Constraint (noun): A limitation or restriction. The budget constraint made it difficult for the team to allocate resources for their project. 2.Temptation (noun): A desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. Despite the temptation to eat junk food, she maintained a healthy diet. 3.Curate (verb): To select, organize, and present information, products, or experiences for others. The museum director carefully curated the art exhibit to showcase the best works. 4.Revenue (noun): Income generated from the sale of goods or services, or from other business activities. The company's primary source of revenue came from their software sales. 5.Sanitized (adjective): Made clean and free from bacteria or other potentially harmful substances. The hospital staff ensured that all the equipment was properly sanitized before use. 6.Accelerating (verb): Increasing in speed or rate. The popularity of electric cars is accelerating as more people become environmentally conscious. 7.Empower (verb): To give someone the authority, power, or means to do something. The training program aimed to empower employees to make better decisions. 8.Cohort (noun): A group of people who share a common characteristic, often within a specific time frame. The latest cohort of students in the program showed great promise and enthusiasm. 9.Hurdle (noun): An obstacle or difficulty that must be overcome. Obtaining financing was a major hurdle for the small business owner. 10.Retention (noun): The act of keeping or continuing to possess something, such as employees or customers. The company implemented a new training program to improve employee retention rates.

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