EP09: Adrian Lord, Head of Active Modes and Cycling, Auckland Transport

Future Proof Podcast

We're kicking off 2025 with Adrian Lord, Head of Active Modes at Auckland Transport, for an insightful discussion about walking, cycling, and some of exciting initiatives Auckland Transport is currently working on.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Adrian turned his passion for cycling into a rewarding career
  • Adrian's advocacy work, including collaborations with renowned cyclist and UK Cycling Commissioner, Chris Boardman.
  • The barriers to enabling cycling investment and perceptions around safety.
  • Why cycling is rapidly becoming one of the fastest-growing transport modes in New Zealand and around the world.
  • The growing role of E-bikes and E-Scooters in our cities.
  • Key ticket items for the AT's cycling network.
  • Opportunities to better integrate cycling with the City Rail Link.

Connect with Adrian here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-lord-04670422/

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