EP234: Port Fairy Triumph: Laura & Scott's PB Journeys

Better with Running

This week's Better with Running Podcast features training updates from Chriso and Zacca. Chriso is back in action, sharing his training progress and VIP backstage experience. Zacca, however, has hit a roadblock with his form, experiencing a niggle that requires a break and reset.

We also celebrate two #teamrun2pb athletes who achieved PBs at the Port Fairy Marathon Festival. First up is Laura Malady, coached by Elise Beacom, who finished 4th female in an impressive 3:22. Laura discusses her marathon build-up, race day experience, and the origin of the training block's mythical "Griffin" theme.

Our second guest is Scott Barclay, who initially worked with Gemma Maini in 2018, then transitioned to triathlon. Now coached by James Hansen, Scott recently achieved a half marathon PB. He shares his running journey, how he balances it with football umpiring, and his plans for the Ballarat Marathon. Scott also answers quick questions and educates listeners on the Australian delicacy, the battered sav.

Finally, there is a promotion for a free Melbourne event supporting women's safety and connection through running, coinciding with International Women's Day.

The event will feature two run2pb coaches, Elise Beacom and Sophie Fitt. For more information, visit https://www.lovetherun.com.au/iwdrunning

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