EP26: Refilling Your Well: Strategies for Caregiver Well-Being

Sandwich Stories: Stories From the Sandwich Generation with Lexie Callies

In this episode of Sandwich Stories, Lexie emphasizes the importance of self-care for caretakers, encouraging them to prioritize their own well-being to effectively support others. She discusses the need to set boundaries, say no when necessary, and refill one's own emotional well to ensure genuine generosity towards loved ones. Lexie shares personal experiences and practical tips for maintaining balance amidst the demands of caregiving. Trust us, it's easier said than done. As caretakers we give, but remember you can't fill from an empty cup!

Song of the Week: Superstition by Stevie Wonder

She is you and you are her. One day you wake up and suddenly you look around and realize your life is…complicated. You’re sandwiched between caring for and navigating aging parents…while still trying to raise your young family. Join me, Lexie Callies on Sandwich Stories: Stories From the Sandwich Generation with Lexie Callies.

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