47 min

EP33 - Chris Perry & Oskar Kaszubski (Co-Founders at firstmovr‪)‬ Unstuck

    • Marketing

Chris Perry and Oskar Kaszubski are Co-Founders of the appropriately named firstmovr. Their e-commerce accelerator is a 'satellite' consultancy that can be plugged into any corporation or business team. The dynamic duo help companies adapt and transform ecommerce operations while keeping abreast of fast moving digital trends. In this episode, Chris and Oskar share the eight levers that companies can use to break down siloes and embrace ecommerce. We hear about executive change management, essential metrics, focused strategies, and organisational enablement. The digital commerce landscape is evolving so rapidly that's it difficult to keep up, but our latest guests provide hope for a solution!

Chris Perry and Oskar Kaszubski are Co-Founders of the appropriately named firstmovr. Their e-commerce accelerator is a 'satellite' consultancy that can be plugged into any corporation or business team. The dynamic duo help companies adapt and transform ecommerce operations while keeping abreast of fast moving digital trends. In this episode, Chris and Oskar share the eight levers that companies can use to break down siloes and embrace ecommerce. We hear about executive change management, essential metrics, focused strategies, and organisational enablement. The digital commerce landscape is evolving so rapidly that's it difficult to keep up, but our latest guests provide hope for a solution!

47 min