Episode 0: Embracing the Future: The Changing Tides of Financial Advice

The Future-Ready Advisor

Ready for an exciting journey into the future of financial advice? I promise that you'll gain valuable insights into how you can make your practice future-ready. I am your host, Sam Sivarajan, a seasoned wealth management consultant, behavioral scientist and author, ready to help you navigate the evolving industry landscape. We'll journey from the traditional stock-picking mindset to a more holistic, goals-based mindset. In this increasingly competitive industry, where even AI poses competition, it's crucial to hone your soft skills. We'll delve into behavioral coaching, investor psychology, and personal branding, helping you stand apart from the crowd.

Together, we'll face industry challenges head-on, with the guidance of top advisors and subject matter experts. Every two weeks, you'll get to hear their unique insights, strategies, and the necessary soft skills to excel in your practice. We'll discuss how to identify the right market niche, harness your brain's power, understand your client's goals, and maintain their focus during market downturns. So, if you're as excited as I am about the bright future of advice, centered on the human element, be sure to join me on this journey with the Future Ready Advisor podcast. Let's gear up to make your practice future-ready!

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What’s Next?

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Insights for Financial Advisors

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, how do you continue to thrive and better serve your clients? As an industry veteran for over 25 years, I understand the unique challenges facing financial advisors.

I have a wealth of resources to help you navigate these challenges:

  • Visit my website at https://www.samsivarajan.com/resources to download a free behavioral coaching guide and a free goals-based investing case study, packed with tips and strategies.
  • While you're there, don't forget to explore my bestselling books at https://www.samsivarajan.com/books. These books provide readers with further insights and guidance on how we can make better decisions - in investing, at home, and in the workplace.
  • Want to stay updated with my latest insights? Sign up for my LinkedIn newsletter, The Goals-Based Advisor. It's a great way to keep in touch and receive regular updates directly to your inbox.

Finally, if you have any questions or hire me as a speaker, coach or consultant, book a meeting with me on info@samsivarajan.com.








