Episode 002: Green Living with Sarah UmmYusuf

The Yasmin Essa Podcast

Welcome to episode 002 of the Yasmin Essa podcast! On today's show, I am joined by Sarah UmmYusuf, Green Living Mentor for a lovely conversation on green living, Islam, family, and more.

Sarah's Bio (in her own words):

I’m a former school teacher, turned stay at home mom of three kiddos, age 6 and under. My husband and I were born and raised in the US, but moved to Canada 10 years ago and now live in Toronto. I’ve also been blogging for 6 years about natural and non-toxic living, and consulting with families to help them take small steps to creating a non-toxic home. Besides geeking out while searching for safer alternatives to the products we use in our home, I love dabbling in photography, reading, and drinking lots and lots of coffee. ;-)

Interview Questions:

  • Tell us about yourself personally and professionally.
  • How did Nature’s Nurture come about?
  • Do you have any non-negotiable daily habits?
  • What stresses you out?
  • What do you do when you feel stuck or overwhelmed?
  • Do you have any examples from your life when you overcame adversity?
  • What advice would you give to your adolescent self?
  • What makes you happy and joyful?
  • How has Islam inspired you?
  • Where do you potentially see yourself 15 years down the line, inshaAllah?
  • Where can listeners find you and your work?

This episode is sponsored by Glow Academy's 6 Week Ramadan Mind Body Soul Online Retreat. Learn more about Glow Academy here, inshaAllah.








