The Seward Whale Strike Tragedy, they called it. Twenty-five people dead. The worst accident in Alaska���s tourism history since Will Rogers��� plane went down in ���35. Only one man left alive knows the truth of what really happened--the man everyone agrees caused the tragedy to start with. And if there���s one thing he���s sure of, the thing they hit that day was no whale.
Presented here is his testimony, as transcribed for an interview with Paranorm Violations Magazine.
This podcast adapts the short story "The Ones that Aren���t Crows" found in the collection A Consternation of Monsters as well as the unabridged audiobook of the collection.
- 프로그램
- 발행일2017년 3월 18일 오후 3:30 UTC
- 길이19분
- 등급전체 연령 사용가