Episode 06: Beehive Design Collective

That’s How the Light Gets In

The Beehive Design Collective’s Sakura Saunders and Orion Camero share about the Callegory, a Beehive sister project and mega-story trilogy of images and creative education campaign about California’s social and climate crises, and the state’s role in global justice. 

The Beehive Collective is best known for its expansive narrative graphic posters and related campaigns that break down big complex issues and present them in accessible, engaging formats. Their incredibly intricate, hand-drawn illustrations become popular education tools to support ongoing organizing and movement building. 

This episode also includes an update about the artists who altered their work live, in public at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in support of a #Ceasefire in Palestine.

Find the Beehive Design Collective on IG at @BeehiveDesignCollective at the Callegory at @TheCAllegory.

You can sign a letter to support the YBCA artists’ demands at bit.ly/artists4gaza, and read the YBCA staff solidarity statement at bit.ly/YBCA4gaza.

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