Deer University

Deer University podcasts are all about deer biology and management. Drs. Bronson Strickland and Steve Demarais are both deer hunters, deer biologists, professors of wildlife management, and co-directors of the Mississippi State University Deer Lab. Steve and Bronson are so crazy about deer biology and management that they made it their career! Our goal is to explain how you can use deer research to improve your hunting and management experiences. Don’t take for granted what your buddy says or what you read in a hunting magazine – we’ll train you to think like a deer biologist. As national leaders in deer research, we’ll keep you up to date on the latest and best information, and deliver episodes that cover every deer management topic you can imagine, and then add some that will surprise you. If you are interested in deer hunting and management, this is your podcast! Every shot you take this fall is either a step forward or backward in your management program, so use our knowledge to make every shot count! Hosts of Deer University: Dr. Bronson Strickland, Professor of Wildlife Management, Mississippi State University Extension Service Dr. Steve Demarais, Professor of Wildlife Management, Mississippi State University Forest and Wildlife Research Center
Great content!
2024. 09. 26.
This podcast has given me the hard cold scientific facts and knowledge to improve my property and learn the difference between the myths and facts of deer behavior. 100% recommend. MSUs deer lab is on the cutting edge of deer science.
Awesome podcast for the land manager
2024. 08. 16.
This podcast has help take managing my land to the next level!!!
Bob D
2024. 02. 20.
Excellent material and delivery. Makes me want to become a student at MSU!
A great source of cutting edge deer research
2024. 02. 01.
I wait for every new episode so that I can go through and hear accurate research so that I can put to actionable plans. I usually have to delisted so that I can make sure I heard it all. Thank y’all for putting this research out here so we can have access to research to refute the bad science or all the myths that steer management plans in a negative direction.
- 제작진Dr. Bronson Strickland & Dr. Steve Demarais
- 방송 연도2017년 - 2025년
- 에피소드84
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© Copyright 2017, Mississippi State University Deer Lab
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