Episode 10: Social Media and Kayaking - Part 1

Paddle and Flow

Alex and Nicola would like to welcome you to Episode 10 of Paddle and Flow. 

This episode is the first in a long discussion we had about social media, which we have split into a few episodes. 

In the first we pin down what we consider social media to be before moving onto Alex’s experience with his kayak fishing YouTube channel (see link below.) 

We then begin trying to unravel whether social media has changed kayaking. Do we compare ourselves to other kayakers on social media? We also ask why is there a quiet reluctance to share when things go wrong?

We hope you enjoy our ramblings, please let us know your thoughts on whether social media is a good or bad thing when it comes to kayaking. 

Thanks for listening 🙂

ELKayak Fish - YouTube - Alex’s kayak fishing channel. 

P&H Custom Sea Kayaks - Nicola’s P&H Virgo MV

Sturgeon Sit On Top Fishing Kayak - Galaxy Kayaks - Alex’s fishing kayak

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