Unstoppable Body and Mind

Betsy Jensen
Unstoppable Body and Mind

Heal Chronic Pain with Neuroscience, Nervous System Regulation & FUN- Feel better in your body at any age!

  1. 2024/11/18

    Episode #135- Treating Neuroplastic Symptoms with Dr David Clarke

    Today I have a special guest, a leader in the field of Mindbody medicine and President of the ATNS (Association for Treatment of Neuroplastic Symptoms, formerly PPDA), Dr David Clarke.Dr Clarke practiced Gastroenterology in Portland from 1984 to 2009, treating over 7000 patients whose symptoms were not explained by diagnostic testing.    In this episode, Dr Clarke summarizes Pain relief Psychology.  With research based methods teaching patients to take their focus off the symptom, shift attention to brain, and feel the emotions or deal with life stressors.   Responding to chronic pain or symptoms this way rewires the brain, so that symptoms can be eliminated instead of just managed.Listen to hear more!   Find Dr Clarke and the 12 question quiz on the ATNS website-  https://www.symptomatic.me/   Dr Clarke's challenging patients course https://ppdassociation.org/online-course   For fresh content on healing chronic pain or disease, follow Betsy on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bodyandmindlifecoach/   Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXZSYYGL2cfJl-oEOzqspA   Website https://bodyandmindlifecoach.com   Transcript- Automatically Generated: This is Betsy Jensen, and you are listening to Unstoppable Body and Mind, Episode 135, Treating Neuroplastic Symptoms with Dr. David Clarke.In this podcast, we learn to upgrade our brain and understand the power of our thoughts, to heal and to create the results we want in our life. Become the person in control of your healing and make peace with your life. Become Unstoppable Body and Mind.All right. Hi, everyone.Welcome.We have a special, special guest today. This is Dr. David Clarke. Welcome.Great to be with you, Betsy.Well, we are so glad to have you here. So Dr. Clarke is one of the pioneers and leaders in this field. The head of the PPDA, which is now the ATNS, we can talk about what all of these initials mean and acronyms.But why don't we start with a little bit about your story, coming from being a Western physician to what you do now?Yeah, I didn't know anything about this. The first seven years of my formal training and education, you know, it's kind of embarrassing to admit as a physician that nobody ever mentioned the idea that your brain could cause serious pain or illness in your body, in the complete absence of anything wrong structurally or with your organs. But then I encountered a patient, I didn't know the first thing about diagnosing or treating.In year eight of my formal training, she was referred to us at UCLA where I was in training by another university because they couldn't find anything wrong to explain her symptoms. She was actually averaging one bowel movement per month, despite taking four different laxatives at double the usual doses. We did some specialized testing on her that also was normal.I was doing her exit interview and basically telling her she was just going to have to live with this because there wasn't anything more we could do. But just so the conversation wouldn't be over in two minutes, I started asking her about stress. She didn't really have any.You know, her current day life was really going just fine. But when I asked her about stress earlier, she started talking about having been molested as a girl by her father. Unfortunately, not just once or twice, which would have been bad enough, but hundreds of times.And I had never heard anybody say that before. I didn't know what to do with that information. I had no formal training in how to respond to that.But I fell back on basic instincts as a doctor, which is to try to get the story. When did it start? How often did it happen?When did it stop? Those kinds of things. And she was telling me the story in a perfectly calm tone of voice.It didn't look like she was distressed by this at all. If you didn't know better, you would think that, and I didn't know better at the time, you would think that she had completely processed this information and had moved on. And yet she has this te

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  2. 2024/08/06

    Episode # 132- Hypnosis for Pain Relief with Melissa Tiers

    Join me today to hear Hypnotist, Melissa Tiers, as we discuss integrative hypnosis and how it helps with chronic pain. Melissa has been training clinicians in the use of hypnosis for pain relief for over 25 years and her own chronic pain history was pivotal in the creation of her pain protocols.   Melissa struggled with years of migraines and is now migraine-free through this approach (as long as she stays congruent!  Listen for more details as to what that all means...)   We discuss the unconscious lens, how to be more mindful, and how to change your memories through memory reconsolidation Addressing the subconscious directy is the fastest way to see change. Melissa Tiers is a multi-award winning author, lecturer, key note speaker and hypnosis trainer. She is the founder of The Center for Integrative Hypnosis, co founder of The Ethical Coaching Collective and creator of Coaching the Unconscious Mind. Melissa has earned three IMDHA Pen and Quill awards for her books, Integrative Hypnosis, Keeping the brain in mind, and Integrative Hypnosis for kids and teens:Playing for change. Check out "Integrative Hypnosis for Pain Relief" by Melissa Tiers Thursday, August 8, 6:00-8:00 pm EST Sign up here: https://www.centerforintegrativehypnosis.com/offers/FNGSVfrz/checkout   Find Melissa at https://www.melissatiers.com/   For fresh content on healing chronic pain or disease, follow Betsy on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bodyandmindlifecoach/   Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXZSYYGL2cfJl-oEOzqspA   Website https://bodyandmindlifecoach.com

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  3. 2024/05/30

    Episode # 131- Life After 30 Years of Chronic Pain- with Renee

    Today I interviewed Renee Kammer, who has an amazing healing story.  From 30 years of chronic pain and 5 years being bed bound, to now hiking, biking, and gardening.Renee had several diagnoses, including: Stiff person’s syndrome, Ulcerative colitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Migraines, Back pain, Hip pain, Anxiety, Depression, Pelvic pain/ IC, Chronic fatigue, Chest pain and High blood pressure.   Renee joined Alignment Academy and went through all of the exercises in Dr Schubiner's workbook to unlearn her pain.   She got off 14 medications in the last year, and has been feeling better and better!   She now has more joy and hope in her life, and is even starting a baking business with her new found time and energy.Listen here for Renee's story.   And if you want to apply the work Renee did to your life this summer, be sure and check out my Book Club Integration Group! https://www.bodyandmindlifecoach.com/book-club-integration-group Transcript- Automatically Generated: This is Betsy Jensen, and you are listening to Unstoppable Body and Mind, episode 131, Life After 30 Years of Chronic Pain with Renee. In this podcast, we learned to upgrade our brain and understand the power of our thoughts, to heal and to create the results we want in our life. Become the person in control of your healing and make peace with your life.Become Unstoppable Body and Mind. Hello, my loves. Today we have an amazing episode, an amazing testimonial from Renee.I want you to listen to her story and apply anything that you can to your life, to what you're going through. Hi, everyone. Welcome.Today we have a special guest, Renee. She has such an amazing story. So welcome, Renee.Hi, it's good to be here.Great, great. It's so good having you. Renee has been in my coaching group, Alignment Academy.Oh, I was going to look up how long. Less than a year, I think, right?I think it's been since November, December.Yeah. So about like six months, seven months. And you've made such amazing progress.You were already on your way of this journey of like, getting rid of some medicines and some things. We'll go into your story, but watching your progress has been amazing. And I think it will be really inspirational for people.So let's just go ahead with maybe just a little bit about yourself and how you got to having chronic pain and the symptoms that you had.So my name is Renee. I live in Ohio and I grew up just across the river in Kentucky. I have two kids, a son who's 14 and a daughter who is going to be 17 next month.I've been married to my husband Justin for 23 years, and I love life.When I go to tell my story, it always starts when I was younger because as far back as I can remember, I remember carrying around Pepto-Bismol, because my stomach was always upset as a kid.As a kid, yeah.Yes, and it was kind of a family joke, you know, that she always has that Pepto with her. But my stomach was always upset, and I can see now that was just a lot of anxiety and worry. But there were just, there were several things that had happened with friends and in my life.When I was about 16, that I started getting chronic pain then. And so my story goes back over 30 years of chronic pain. It's honestly, when I think about it, it can be a bit overwhelming to see that the majority of my life, I've not known anything but pain.Right. Yeah. Yeah.We're getting deep fast here. But there's a happy ending though, you guys.Just very happy.But yeah, that's a lot, right?It's a long time. It's a long time. And so although I've had much easier years here and there coming and going, my body always managed to drag me down.And so I guess the relief that I feel now at being free from pain and not living in fear is just, it's so incredible. I have not felt like this the majority of my adult life.That is an amazing transformation.It's crazy. Yeah.Okay. So as far as your diagnoses that you've had or that you've been diagnosed with, do you have kind

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  4. 2024/04/30

    Episode # 129- Coaching Call on Anxiety

    This episode is a clip from an Alignment Academy group coaching call.   Listen in to see how I apply somatic tools in a real life situation to help Carrie feel calmer and even excited about a situation that caused anxiety.If you are interested in a supportive coaching community to help accelerate your progress, check out Alignment Academy here: https://www.bodyandmindlifecoach.com/somatic-coaching Transcript- Automatically Generated: This is Betsy Jensen, and you are listening to Unstoppable Body and Mind, Episode 129, Coaching Call. In this podcast, we learn to upgrade our brain and understand the power of our thoughts, to heal and to create the results we want in our life. Become the person in control of your healing and make peace with your life.Become unstoppable body and mind. Hello, my loves. Today's podcast is actually taken from a coaching call I did in my group coaching program, Alignment Academy.We have a couple of these group calls per week, and Carrie came on for some coaching about anxiety. I wanted you to have a chance to hear this so you can hear how I use these somatic tools in coaching to help create a different result. And with some of these techniques I use, think for yourself about something that may be causing symptoms or anxiety, and you can apply these same things to yourself.Maybe even if you can listen in a place where you can relax, you can do some of the meditations along with Carrie.My question is, tomorrow, I'm going to be away for a good chunk of the day. And so I'm trying to not drink out and keep myself calm. And I just need a little bit of help with that.Yeah. I'm curious, yeah, if you close your eyes and think of the anxiety that comes up, thinking about tomorrow, anything that gives you anxiety, how strong is that? Like how much intensity is there from 0 to 10?Like an 8. Oh, wow.Yeah. Okay. So a lot of intensity.Where do you feel that mainly? In your body?A little bit in like my throat and then between my eyes behind the bridge of my nose.Oh, interesting. Okay. And is this like the anxiety?Is that what you called it? Or is there another emotion? Yeah, okay.Yeah, it's anxiety, and now that I've been doing this long enough, it's fear. I mean, it's fear.Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.Okay. Well, do you want to try that peripheral vision technique? I have just really liked it, because it just seems to take the intensity out of it, and then we can still process other things, but it's hard to when there's, you know, 8 out of 10, when you're thinking about it.Yeah.We can't really talk ourselves out of anxiety. So, all right. So go ahead and find a spot that you can look at, not on the screen, but maybe on the wall behind you or out the window, and just focus on that one spot, and then start opening up your peripheral vision.So you kind of soften your eyes, let those, all those little eye muscles relax. Start to see kind of those blurs on the side, opening up more and more to the side of you. Keep focusing forward and even imagine that space behind you that you can somehow sense.If you can sense that room around you. How does that go?Yeah, that's, I'd give it a four.Okay, nice, so definitely a shift. Okay, so now I want you to just go back to those same thoughts, close your eyes, think of being gone tomorrow. How long you'll be gone.I just got the pain down my leg.I know that's like stress-related. There's a neural circuit there that, just thinking of that. Okay, that's cool.More evidence.More evidence, yeah, yeah, totally evidence, right? That's one of the fit criteria, pain that gets worse when somebody talks about it, or talks about, he doesn't say this, but something emotionally charged, or yeah, and then that happens. He does say under stress, but yeah.Okay, sorry, I'm gonna hijack for just a second, because there's another one I've been wanting to share with you, and I just remembered it.Oh, great.I finally hit the place in my pain journey where I have gratitude when, like just now, I have gratit

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Heal Chronic Pain with Neuroscience, Nervous System Regulation & FUN- Feel better in your body at any age!









