Money Magic Podcast

Vangile Makwakwa
“Money Magic Podcast”播客

Welcome to the Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa, this is the podcast where we talk about trauma and how it affects our finances and our lives. The intention with this podcast is to provide you with weekly episodes that help you understand the importance of healing and help you understand your relationship with money better so you can start making different financial decisions and creating a life you love for yourself and future generations.

  1. 1天前

    Episode 113: What Happens When You Feel Unsafe With Money

    In this episode of the Money Magic Podcast, Vangile discusses the concept of feeling unsafe with money and not having money. She explains that people who feel unsafe with money tend to avoid dealing with it, often by procrastinating on tasks like sending invoices or paying bills.  This avoidance behavior stems from a deeper fear and results in financial instability. On the flip side, those who feel unsafe without money tend to hoard it and are afraid to spend, leading to missed opportunities for investment and growth. Vangile emphasizes the importance of achieving a regulated nervous system around money, where one feels calm and neutral regardless of their financial situation.  This regulation allows for better financial decision-making and investment strategies. She also touches on the psychological aspects, such as vows of loyalty and rebellion, which can unconsciously influence financial behavior and create a yo-yo effect in managing money. This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [02:08] : Introduction to the main topic [06:25]: Example and explanation of avoiding money  [10:00]: Hiding from money and practical examples  [11:13]: Freezing in Financial Situations [13:58]: Why we feel unsafe with not having enough money and with having money  [18:06]: Money as a lover [19:32]: Practical impact of fear of spending money [22:34]: Financial regulation and emotional stability  [27:46]: Vows of loyalty and vows of rebellion  [30:00]: Impact of vows on financial behavior [35:17]: Closing remarks    Notable Quotes   "When we feel unsafe with money, we're going to run away from money." "You want to get to a point where you are calm and have a regulated nervous system regardless of how much is in your account." "If your business depends on you being sound of mind and your team is depending on you to keep it together, you need to know how to regulate your nervous system." "Most of us are behaving with money from a point of view of a four-year-old or a 16-year-old." "We all have a different root cause to our debt." Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    40 分钟
  2. 9月11日

    Episode 112: Bishal Sarkar on Becoming His Family’s First Millionaire

    In this episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Bishal Sarkar, the highest-paid public speaking coach in India.  Bishal discussing how being the first millionaire in his family changed family dynamics and how he plans to pass on healthy financial habits to the next generation.  Bishal shares his inspiring story of rising from a middle-class background to becoming the first millionaire in his family. He discusses the challenges he faced, including bullying and a lack of self-confidence, and how he overcame them.  Bishal emphasizes the importance of changing one's mindset and surroundings, practicing gratitude, and gradually increasing financial aspirations to achieve success. Bishal outlines three key principles that helped him significantly increase his income: money loves speed, money loves to be circulated, and money loves mission.  He also highlights the importance of being mission-led rather than solely money-focused to attract opportunities and achieve financial freedom. Bishal shares a personal anecdote about how a mentor's challenge pushed him to raise his financial goals and achieve greater success. Contact Bishal:  This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [02:08] - Introduction to Bishal Sarkar  [03:42] - Bishal's background, his upbringing in a middle-class family, and the challenges he faced [09:48] - The importance of speaking and money, and how his mindset about money shifted [14:28] - The importance of gratitude and the impact it had on his life [18:36] - Three major practices that helped Bishal gain confidence and overcome self-doubt [23:06] - Bishal's experience with changing his surroundings and the impact of proximity to successful individuals [28:59] - The three principles that helped Bishal go from earning $40,000 a year to $40,000 a month. [36:29] - How achieving financial success impacted Bishal's family and how he dealt with their reactions [44:29] - Passing on financial wisdom and ensuring it benefits future generations. [56:22] - Contact Bishal    Notable Quotes   "Money loves speed. Money loves to be circulated. Money loves mission."  "If money doesn't come in the hands of good people, it will reach the hands of bad people."  "It's not what you leave for your children, it's what you leave in your children." "Be a millionaire, not for the million of dollars, but be a millionaire for what it will make of you."  "Don't preach about being a great man, be an example of what a great man can be."  "Whenever God wants to give you a gift, he will wrap it up in insult and challenges."    Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 1 分钟
  3. 9月3日

    Episode 111: Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Addiction

    In this episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast Vangile introduces Karen Bernetti, who shares her expertise on dealing with addiction and its impact on family dynamics and financial trauma. Karen's work focuses on helping families affected by addiction through yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Karen's journey began with Al-Anon, a 12-step fellowship for families of those struggling with alcohol addiction. She explains how living with someone who has an addiction can lead to various psychological issues like anxiety, depression, and codependency.  Karen emphasizes that families often become enablers or try to control the situation, which only exacerbates the problem. To break the cycle, she suggests mindfulness practices and seeking support through groups like Al-Anon. Karen also delves into the financial impact of addiction on families, sharing her personal experience of divorce and the ensuing custody battle.  She describes how addiction can lead to financial instability, legal issues, and increased stress. Her story highlights the importance of addressing financial trauma and finding ways to heal and rebuild one's life after such experiences. To aid in healing, Karen recommends mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation, which have been transformative in her own life. Contact Karen: This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [02:08] - Introduction to today's guest, Karen Banetti [04:50] - Karen shares her work with addiction and family impact [05:11] - Karen's journey starting with Al-Anon [06:48] - Challenges with her husband's alcoholism [09:41] - Learning about generational alcoholism [11:06] - Discovering yoga and Nikki Myers' Yoga of 12-Step Recovery [13:20] - Psychological implications of living with addiction [17:18] - Long-term effects of living with addiction [20:11] - How addiction changes family dynamics [26:19] - Codependency and enabling behaviors [28:47] - Breaking the cycle of being the controlling one [31:10] - Finding individual paths to healing [34:18] - Financial trauma related to addiction [41:46] - Financial insecurity and money trauma [45:00] - Financial trauma from divorce and co-parenting challenges [50:48] - Personal emotional breakdown and healing journey [55:31] - Three ways mindfulness, yoga, and meditation helped [01:05:19] - Different forms of yoga and personal preferences [01:06:22] - How to reach out to Karen and work with her    Notable Quotes "I'm someone who has been through hell and back in my life, and I'm very passionate about turning my pain into purpose."  "We don't want to talk about addiction because we think addiction is a moral failing." "I travelled a rough road, and I know and I feel called to share what I've experienced so that hopefully people don't make many of the mistakes that I made." "Our mind can only be in two places, in the past or the future. If it's in the past, it's very often depressed."  "The fastest way to come into the present moment is through the body. And the fastest way to come into the body is through the breath." Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 12 分钟
  4. 8月27日

    Episode 110: Teaching the Next Generation: Lessons in Money and Legacy

    In this week's episode of the Money Magic Podcast Vangile sits down with Nolitha Sinaba, a student from the Money Magic course, who shares her journey of financial transformation. Nolitha is a businesswoman managing a pig farm and in this episode she discusses how the course helped her understand the deeper, intergenerational aspects of money and trauma.  She recounts her own struggles with budgeting and debt, and how she came to realize that her financial issues were rooted in more than just numbers—they were deeply tied to family dynamics and ancestral trauma. Nolitha's experience underscores the importance of addressing these underlying issues to achieve financial stability. Nolitha also talks about the importance of teaching her children about money management and generational wealth.  She explains how she started having open conversations with her children about investments, savings, and financial planning, which has helped them become more financially savvy.  Her story highlights the impact of breaking the cycle of financial ignorance and trauma, and the importance of modeling good financial habits for the next generation. This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [02:08]: Introduction to Nolitha  [03:17]: Nolitha as a soul [07:49]: How can you explain the concept of money to an alien? [10:38]: Starting to work at 22 and learning to budget [14:51]: Not talking about budgets in our networks [18:46]: The shame of not sticking to a budget [24:23]: Expectations when coming into the Money Magic course [26:55]: Talking to children about money [32:08]: Generational curses and generational blessings [35:39]: Nolitha’s experience of the Money Magic course [40:17]: Dealing with self sabotage [44:27]: Buying a farm and becoming a pig farmer  [50:09]: Nolitha’s income ad savings shifts from the Money Magic course [55:03]: Three lessons that shifted things for Nolitha [01:01:09]: Contact Nolitha  Notable Quotes “I'm a student of life. I seek to know deeper truths." “For me, I have an understanding that we are deeper than our Christian identification." "If you do not understand your lineage, you can never understand who you are and where you are going." "I think one of the things that slavery and Apartheid, and probably to some extent, religion did, was to disconnect us to our history." "The pie is big enough for all of us. I cannot have this information and say, I need it to work for me also, but I can help others to achieve even way better than what I've done."   Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 7 分钟
  5. 8月21日

    Episode 109: Understanding and breaking through money blocks

    In this week's episode of the Money Magic Podcast Vangile shares a masterclass she did on understanding and breaking through money blocks. She discusses her work, including her books "Heart, Mind, and Money" and "What's Your Money Personality?" and her journal "Next Level, You, Woman, Money Journal."  She explains how her journey towards financial freedom and emotional intelligence led her to deeper insights into how emotions and ancestral memories are stored in the body. Her work incorporates elements of Tantra yoga, which she studied in India, and focuses on understanding and healing emotional and ancestral traumas related to money. Throughout the class Vangile emphasizes the importance of understanding one's relationship with money and how it is influenced by family dynamics and inherited money stories. She explains how trauma can be passed down through generations and how it impacts financial behaviors. She shares examples of how her clients have benefited from her teachings, including paying off debts, increasing their savings, and making better financial decisions. She also highlights the significance of nervous system regulation and breaking free from family money stories to achieve financial freedom. This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [03:13]: Journey to Becoming Debt-Free and Tantra Yoga Certification [06:05]: Understanding Ancestral Money Trauma [09:05]: Impact of Financial Education and Personal Finance Strategies [13:20]: Audience Testimonials and Experiences [16:26]: Celebrating Small Financial Wins [19:22]: The Concept of Money as a Lover [22:49]: Intergenerational Trauma and Nervous System Dysregulation [24:08]: Setting Financial Boundaries Within Families [30:05]: Black Tax and Family Financial Responsibilities [34:07]: Regulated and Unregulated Nervous Systems [39:35]: Money Archetypes and Family Money Stories [46:25]: Repeating Family Financial behaviors [50:25]: Fear of Losing Love and Setting Boundaries [58:57]: Loyalty to Family Financial Struggles [01:03:03]: Vow of Invisibility and Playing Small [01:07:43]: Impact of over giving on Financial Health [01:11:55]: Vow of Service in Business and Career [01:18:49]: Overview of the Money Magic Course [01:23:03]: Coaching and Support in the Money Magic Course [01:25:58]: How to Sign Up for the Money Magic Course [01:29:09]: Audience Questions and Comments [01:39:33]: Summary and Conclusion  Notable Quotes “We actually carry a lot of our ancestors' memories within us, good and bad. We carry trauma and we carry wisdom.” “When you show up for money, money also shows up for you." "Our nervous system regulation is definitely impacted by how our caregivers reacted around money." "When we start to heal and we start to release the fear of losing love, we start to give ourselves permission to be seen." "We learn to protect ourselves by being unseen, by hiding ourselves. Our talents become the best kept secret."   Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 43 分钟
  6. 8月14日

    Episode 108: From Numbing to Living: The Power of Sobriety

    In this week's episode of the Money Magic Podcast Vangile sits down with Jo Ntsebeza to talk about sobriety and living life alcohol free and how we use alcohol to numb ourselves so we don’t feel anything. Jo shares her expertise on various subjects, including creativity, writing, healthy eating, and veganism.  Jo recounts her struggle with alcohol, detailing how it affected her life and relationships. She explains that her drinking was linked to social anxiety and how quitting alcohol was not an instantaneous decision but a gradual realization spurred by several turning points. She emphasizes that while the decision to quit was hers, the support from her friends was crucial in her journey toward sobriety. The discussion delves into the practical steps she took to cope with the challenges of quitting alcohol, such as engaging in activities like karate, which helped her quit smoking and rebuild her self-esteem. Jo also highlights the importance of meditation, community support, and the concept of reverence for oneself and life. She shares her experience with the Fresh Start program, which she created to help others find new ways to feel alive and build a positive life without reliance on substances. Contact Jo at: and  This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [02:08]: Introduction to Jo [03:57]: Jo's Journey to Sobriety [10:10]: Challenges and Support in Sobriety [18:07]: Impact on Relationships and Self-Perception [24:43]: Coping Mechanisms and Fresh Start Programme [31:31]: Reflections on Meditation and Yoga [36:53]: Final Thoughts on Sobriety and Professional Life [49:10]: Advice for Someone Considering Quitting Alcohol [52:27]: How to Continue Evolving on the Sobriety Journey [55:21]: How to Reach Jo and About Voice to Visibility [59:46]: Closing Remarks and Outro  Notable Quotes   "What does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to want to be alive? And that feels like that journey has never ended." "I drank because it made me brave, because inside I didn't feel brave and I struggled to be in the world." “One of the reasons, it's not the only reason, but one of the reasons that my life was such a mess was because of the role that alcohol played in it." "Relationships are everything. The biggest triggers for using any substance is relationship."  "I'm a pessimist. I tend to think of the worst, and I make an active thing to say, Think something else, don't think that. That has really helped me a lot."   Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 2 分钟
  7. 8月6日

    Episode 107: The God Wound (Part 2): How Subconscious Vows Impact Financial Success

    In this week's episode Vangile talks about the God Wound and her personal experiences and insights from her own journey, highlighting how she discovered her anger and resentment towards the Divine. She recounts how her intense efforts in spiritual practices, such as chanting and EFT tapping, were often driven by a subconscious desire to prove the unfairness of the Divine.  This internal conflict created resistance to financial success and personal expansion. Through deep inner work and meditations, she uncovered vows she had made to highlight her suffering and prove the divine's unfairness, which were major blocks to her financial growth. She also discusses research that supports the impact of trauma on religious beliefs and practices, noting how external threats and communal sacrifices can strengthen religious bonds and resilience.  She explores the idea that suffering is often seen as sacred and how this belief can hinder financial success and personal joy. She challenges the notion that divinity requires suffering and suggests that a relationship with the divine can be based on joy, expansion, and love instead. This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about: [02:19]: Introduction to the podcast, host, and today's topic (The God Wound) [04:00]: Explanation of the God Wound, its relation to childhood and ancestral trauma [07:04]: Personal journey and insights from journal entries and meditations [10:03]: Experiences with income fluctuations and realizations about resistance to financial growth  [11:23]: Description of EFT tapping and a breakthrough meditation experience [14:39]: Impact of trauma on perception of divinity and how it influences financial decisions [24:06]: How the God Wound affects finances, income, investments, and savings [32:48]: Readings from personal journal entries and reflections on the God Wound meditation [40:11]: Presentation of research studies on religion, trauma, and their interplay [50:32] Final reflections on healing the God Wound and its importance [59:23] Conclusion and invitation to share thoughts and experiences    Notable Quotes “The God wound has to do with our own sense of divinity and how we relate to the divine.” “At the core of the God wound is the belief that no matter what I do, nothing will work out for me. I am not loved by the divine. I am not favoured by the divine.” “If we grew up believing we need to be something or do something to get love from our parents, this is how we will approach our relationship with the divine.” “You cannot tell another person how to worship, how to have faith, how to display faith, because you're not in someone's heart." “What if my relationship with the divine was shaped by how much expansion I could have, how much joy I could allow in, how much love I could allow in?   Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 4 分钟
  8. 7月30日

    Episode 106: Building a Joyful Relationship With Money

    In this episode of the Money Magic Podcast, Vangile sits down with Nontobeko Zwane, a student of the Money Magic course. Nontobeko shares her transformative money journey and highlights the significant impact the course has had on her life, particularly in helping her build a stronger relationship with her daughter. Through the course, she has realized the importance of rest, self-care, and understanding her true identity beyond her professional roles. Nontobeko also talks about her previous struggles with money and how she used to spend money to gain acceptance and constantly worried about running out of money. However, since starting the course, she has learned to enjoy her money and has implemented systems to secure a stable future for herself and her daughter. These changes have brought her peace of mind, allowing her to relax and enjoy life without the constant stress of financial worries. She also shares her experience of manifesting a new job that aligns with her desire for a better work-life balance. She describes how this opportunity has provided her with flexible hours, better pay, and more quality time to spend with her daughter.  This new job allows her to rest, enjoy her life, and continue her personal growth journey. She encourages others to connect with her on social media for further discussions on topics like working abroad, raising a special needs child, and more. Contact Nontobeko on: Facebook:  Instagram:    This is another insightful episode. Tune in!   During this episode, you will learn about:   [03:20] Introduction and background [05:32] Discussion on self-identity [07:08] Nontobeko’s professional background [08:18] Connection to nature and family background [10:11] Understanding money relationships [18:05] Discovery of the Money Magic course [22:58] Aha moments from the Money Magic course [24:27] Impact on family and healing ancestral trauma [27:12] Changes in relationship with money [31:14] Importance of having fun with money [35:15] Systems in place for financial security [37:47] Calmness around financial stability [42:39] Self-discipline vs. inner work [46:14] Manifesting an ideal job [54:37] - The ease of the new job and its benefits [01:00:17] - Closing remarks and how to contact Nontobeko  Notable Quotes "I never knew that one has a relationship. There is a thing called a relationship, having a relationship with money."  "I used money to buy acceptance." "Fun is foreign. I'm only learning now in my adulthood that it's okay to have fun." "I'm happy to say I've got a family trust for my child that I've done, thanks to your guidance." "I've got more time for myself, for my family, for my daughter. It's just easy."   Additional money trauma resources:   One on One Coaching:  Money Magic course:  7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: Let’s connect on Instagram:

    1 小时 5 分钟
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Welcome to the Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa, this is the podcast where we talk about trauma and how it affects our finances and our lives. The intention with this podcast is to provide you with weekly episodes that help you understand the importance of healing and help you understand your relationship with money better so you can start making different financial decisions and creating a life you love for yourself and future generations.








