The Best Debate in the Universe

Madcast Media Network / Maddox
The Best Debate in the Universe

Two sides of a debate from the greatest mind of the 21st century and all other centuries: The Best Debate in the Universe

  1. 2019/07/08

    Episode #138 - What's the most perfect thing about Maddox?

    This is it, our farewell episode! And it’s our biggest episode to date, with tons of guests and callers, including some surprise guests! This show has been an immense pleasure to create over the years, but like all good things, it must come to an end. This has been an amazing experience that has let me meet hundreds of fascinating people from all walks of life, from rocket scientists to professional wrestlers, I have deep gratitude for everyone involved. My sincere thanks to everyone involved, and if I forget any names, it’s not intentional. Thank you to my long-time friends and co-hosts, Ron Babcock and Rucka Rucka Ali. Ron has been an incredible friend over the years and has genuinely improved my life in countless non-trivial ways. I can’t thank Ron enough for his support on and off the podcast, his good character, candor, jokes, empathy and deodorant. My sincere thanks to Ron for being a great co-host and a great friend. And speaking of great friends and co-hosts, thank you to Rucka Rucka Ali, who makes it back for this final episode. Rucka is a powerhouse of reason, principal and intellect, as well as a genuinely good person. Rucka has also improved my life in significant, non-trivial ways, from encouraging me to work harder, to challenging my world views. He’s supported me on and off the air and I couldn’t be more grateful for his friendship and ball-busting. Rucka rides hard because he cares and I’m proud to call him my friend. I couldn’t have asked for two better people to work with. Thank you to Mikey Bolts, audio engineer and all-around good guy! I love Mikey and so do you. I’m humbled by his talent. And speaking of talent, thank you to Taylor Nikolai, whose presence and friendship has been genuinely enriching in my life. Taylor is just an incredibly kind, sincere and forthright person who has also improved my life in countless ways. Thank you to Dreadmere, Kirk Wilcox, Zack Waldman, Therapist Kelli, Bradley Laborman, Robert Benfer, Christina Hepburn, Jesse PS, Lord Matthew, Mike D, Michael Capes, John Morrison, Jon Schnepp, Smart Mark, Sean Jacobson, Jesse Bias, and so many more. Thank you to all our listeners and guests over the years. Everyone who took time to call in and leave voicemail, send us gifts or comments on our website or Facebook. Thanks for telling your friends and family to check out the show. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel Ron Babcock’s ( final tip this week is to keep a $20 in your car at all times, and I couldn’t agree more. Also quick update: the deodorant works! I texted Ron the morning this episode came out to tell him that I would 100% use this exclusively if I had an applicator. It’s worth trying! If you want to support this network, check out my Amazon page here: Also thanks to everyone who checked out F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind: Also if you’ve been waiting to leave us voicemail for this podcast, tough shit! It’s too late. But you can still leave a voicemail for our Godzilla Podcast ( and keep in touch with the fans by joining the Facebook group: Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY ( (or message me on Facebook). Thank you all for a wonderful 3 years. But most of all… You’re welcome. The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).

    3 小时 5 分钟
  2. 2019/07/01


    Debate starts at: 18:05. What’s the goofiest, dumbass regional food? Photographer and writer Igor joins Kirk Wilcox, Ron and I for the debate. Ron brings in a sleeper hit from the mid-west: the Juicy Lucy. Part diarrhea, part second base, it’s a sandwich that will impress nobody. Igor’s pick is an all-time Philly classic: the cheesesteak sandwich. Though I’d go a step further and say that the cheese isn’t the worst part of the meal, it’s the mediocrity. Kirk goes hard on Chinese food and Gyros and I bring in a shitty Utah condiment: “fry sauce,” which isn’t a thing. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel Ron Babcock’s tip this week is fulfilling the promise of last week’s tip: make your own deodorant! Ron made me some that doesn’t have shards of broken glass in it this time. The verdict? Tune in next week to find out. And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind: Also if you’ve been waiting to leave us voicemail, you might want to send it in quick because this is our second-to-last episode! Big announcement on this week’s show. If you want to leave a voicemail from another country, join the Facebook group: Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY (or message me on Facebook). You’re welcome.

    1 小时 36 分钟
  3. 2019/06/24

    Episode #136 - Is universal basic income for pinko commie dipshits?

    Debate starts at: 6:31. Is universal basic income for pinko commie dipshits? First-time guest Brad joins Kirk Wilcox, Ron and I for the debate about “Universal Basic Income” (UBI). The theory is that as technology progresses and replaces traditional jobs for humans (self-checkout cashiers, automated fast food cooks, kiosks, etc), unemployment would go up and traditional jobs would become obsolete. So some politicians have proposed a basic income level that every citizen would get every month. Beyond your UBI, you’d be able to work, but your income would be taxed at 50%. Good idea? Bad idea? Kirk had an interesting idea: pass UBI but eliminate all other government programs (universal healthcare, etc). Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel Ron Babcock’s tip this week: make your own deodorant! Ron made me some, but it was conspicuously laced with broken glass. Nothing stops the sweat like scar tissue! And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind: We got more international voicemail this week, and a caller callout for the first time in a while. If you want to send voicemail from another country, join the Facebook group: Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY (or message me on Facebook). You’re welcome. The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).

    1 小时 11 分钟
  4. 2019/04/22

    Episode #133 - What's the most garbage breakfast food? Captain Dirk, Kirk Wilcox

    Debate starts at: 7:07. What’s the most garbage breakfast food? Our own Captain Dirk joins Kirk Wilcox for the debate this week about the stupid shit we shovel in our mouths the first thing in the morning. Ron has a problem with cold lumps in his mouth, and while I didn’t get a chance to offer some warm lumps for him on the air, the offer still stands. Dirk is an amazing talent from Madcast Media who does the Super Arrogant Bros podcast. It’s rare to hear a podcast of such high caliber, especially anything gaming related. Give it a listen. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel Ron Babcock has a great tip for people who want to dispatch of bugs individually in their apartment: a vacuum cleaner. I have to admit, it makes you feel like a badass. Leave a comment or voicemail about the tips if you try them (1-562-584-7853). And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind: No news this week to keep the episode tight, but more coming soon. Leave a voicemail below. If you’re international, you can send a clip on Facebook. Join Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY. ( Thumbnail credit ( The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).

    1 小时 23 分钟
共 5 分
273 个评分


Two sides of a debate from the greatest mind of the 21st century and all other centuries: The Best Debate in the Universe









