Rethinking Hell

Rethinking Hell is a central resource for a view on Hell called Conditional Immortality (a.k.a. conditionalism or annihilationism). Focusing on this biblical view as held by many Evangelical Christians, we interview notable proponents, respond to the challenges of critics, present the stories of people who once held to the traditional view but are now rethinking hell, and much more.
No eternal torment?!?
How will anyone see how loving and kind the One True God is if we don’t lie about YHWH’s character and threaten everyone with Eternal Conscious Torture?!?
Nice stuff!
Listening to the back-catalog now, this is an amazing sustained dive into this particular theological topic. Good stuff!
What is the real fruit of this doctrine?
You mean to tell me I can live a Godless life spent indulging in all the desires of my flesh and all that I receive as a just reward of my sin is I cease to exist? Sounds like a pretty good deal. Someone tell John the Baptist he can stop preaching repentance and all the stuff about fleeing the wrath to come. For that matter someone tell Jesus he had it wrong too. All that being cast into outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth… turns out that gnashing teeth don’t exist when one ceases to exist. What of Lazarus and the rich man? What about Isaiah 14:9-15 pretty clear what is happening there. What fruit does this doctrine produce? Answer a reason for me to not worry much about eternity. Flee this doctrine flee the coming wrath of eternal judgment looming over head run to the mercy Jesus provided through his blood.
I've really enjoyed the interviews and the response podcasts where they respond to specific traditionalist arguments.
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- CreadorRethinking Hell
- Años de actividad2012 - 2024
- Episodios156
- ClasificaciónApto
- Copyright© Copyright @Rethinking Hell. All rights reserved.
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