LifeBytes Podcast

Daniel Tan
LifeBytes Podcast

LifeBytes is a weekly devotional podcast hosted by Pastor Daniel Tan. These short and substantive devotions will feed you with solid spiritual bites for the week. The episodes are available for you to listen in at anytime of the day, but we would greatly encourage you to tune in at the start of your day to help you align your mind and heart with God! For more information about LifeBytes Podcast, visit

  1. Episode 19 [BM] : Mengelak Kerosakan Kebenaran | LifeBytes Podcast


    Episode 19 [BM] : Mengelak Kerosakan Kebenaran | LifeBytes Podcast

    2 Yohanes  Ini adalah surat kedua Rasul Yohanes. Dia terus menulis mengikut tema 1 Yohanes, di mana dia telah menulis dengan panjang lebar mengenai kebenaran dan kepentingannya. Dalam surat ini, dia memberikan perhatian khusus kepada sekumpulan orang percaya yang kecil, keluarga tertentu, mungkin gereja yang bertemu rumah. Dia sangat bimbang bahawa jemaat Tuhan mungkin telah menerima penyesat masuk ke dalam rumah dan keluarga mereka. Jika itu berlaku, mereka akan kehilangan semua hasil daripada kerja kebenaran dalam hidup mereka. Akibatnya, mereka akan menghadapi kerosakan kebenaran (truth decay). Sila membaca surat Rasul Yohanes ini dan mendengar perkongsian ini jika anda ingin mengelak daripada kerosakan kebenaran. PODCAST RESOURCES Sila muat turun nota di sini. Subscribe on Spotify ( Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ( Subscribe on Google Podcasts ( More platforms CONNECT WITH DANIEL TAN Instagram: @janggut78 Ask questions: Facebook: LEAVE A REVIEW If this podcast has help you in every ways and aspects in your life, we appreciate it if you share it by leaving quick Apple Podcasts review. You can visit Apple Podcasts ( or on your iOS device and then go to the “Reviews” section. There, you can leave a star rating or click on “Write a review” to share something you’ve gotten out of this podcast. Thank you for sharing!

    25 分钟
  2. Episode 19 [ENGLISH] : Avoiding Truth Decay | LifeBytes Podcast


    Episode 19 [ENGLISH] : Avoiding Truth Decay | LifeBytes Podcast

    2 John  This is the second epistle of the Apostle John. He continues writing along the themes of 1 John, where he has written at length regarding the truth and its importance. In this letter, he give specific attention to a smaller group of people, a particular family, perhaps a house church. He has great concern that God's people may have welcomed the deceivers into their homes. If that happens, they will lose all the fruits from the workings of the truth in their lives. As a result, they will face truth decay.   Please read John's letter and listen to this sharing if you want to avoid from truth decay. PODCAST RESOURCES Please download the show notes here. Subscribe on Spotify ( Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ( Subscribe on Google Podcasts ( More platforms CONNECT WITH DANIEL TAN Instagram: @janggut78 Ask questions: Facebook: LEAVE A REVIEW If this podcast has help you in every ways and aspects in your life, we appreciate it if you share it by leaving quick Apple Podcasts review. You can visit Apple Podcasts ( or on your iOS device and then go to the “Reviews” section. There, you can leave a star rating or click on “Write a review” to share something you’ve gotten out of this podcast. Thank you for sharing!

    20 分钟


LifeBytes is a weekly devotional podcast hosted by Pastor Daniel Tan. These short and substantive devotions will feed you with solid spiritual bites for the week. The episodes are available for you to listen in at anytime of the day, but we would greatly encourage you to tune in at the start of your day to help you align your mind and heart with God! For more information about LifeBytes Podcast, visit








