Red Mandos: Yet Another Star Wars Shatterpoint Podcast

Red Mandos
Podcast Red Mandos: Yet Another Star Wars Shatterpoint Podcast

When you scrape the bottom of the barrel of Shatterpoint podcasts, you find the most wretched hive of scum and villainy, Red Mandos! We don't promise to be good, we promise to be bad, but we don't take ourselves at all seriously and it is gunna be fun! Join the collective, listen to the Red Mandos, This IS The Way! Also join the discord, it is free: If you have more money than sense, support us on Patreon:

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5 Xếp hạng

Giới Thiệu

When you scrape the bottom of the barrel of Shatterpoint podcasts, you find the most wretched hive of scum and villainy, Red Mandos! We don't promise to be good, we promise to be bad, but we don't take ourselves at all seriously and it is gunna be fun! Join the collective, listen to the Red Mandos, This IS The Way! Also join the discord, it is free: If you have more money than sense, support us on Patreon:

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