Episode 246 - Why Campaigns Fail and what to do about it

The Independent Characters | Warhammer 40k Podcast

Episode 246 of The Independent Characters brings onto the roster Campbell McLaughlin of The 40k Badcast fame to join us! While his regular Podcast partner Dan takes some much deserved paternity leave, Campbell will be joining The Independent Characters army roster on a regular basis. We couldn't ask for a better partner!

In this episode, Carl and Campbell talk about the ways that Campaigns, in pretty much any system, fail. We discuss what types of speedbumps campaigns often run into, and how those become dead end streets. Then we take a look at what strategies you can apply to ensure that you campaign is a successful one!

Even with some choice edits, this episode rolls in at about two and a half hours. But we think this is a solid topic of discussion and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it!

And yes, that is new intro music you are hearing at the beginning of the episode. We are going to stick with it for awhile, at least as long as Campbell is guest starring on the show, and see how you folks adapt to it! Be sure to let us know your feedback!

Time Stamps:

  • 0:00:00 - Show Intro and Elite Choice, Workbench, and Hobby Progress
  • 0:52:15 - Why campaigns fail
  • 1:35:00 - Tips to make your campaigns successful
  • 2:22:00 - Final Discussion and Show Closing

Relevant Links:

  • The Independent Characters Patreon
  • Tablewar! - SPONSOR
  • Herrick Games & Hobbies - SPONSOR
  • The 40k Badcast
  • Tablewar Charities
  • Hawaii 'War on the Shore' Charity GT 2025
  • Games Workshop
  • The Black Library








