Episode 31 - Tremors, Review and Recast


We may be two weeks into the new year, but we are back with our first review and recasting of 2025. After the carnage brought about by Armageddon, we are left with nothing but Tremors. So that's what we're covering this time out: the 1990 Kevin Bacon hit Tremors.

We start this week disguising ourselves as a food podcast with a LOT of cheese chat.

Nick starts and quits a journey in anime.

Jim watched a film recommended by Sam, which led to a flat earther chat.

It may be a new year, but that doesn't mean Jim is any different. He makes not one but two belting comments.

There are copious amounts of innuendos, followed by our recastings going in very different directions

And no episode is complete without an edition of Audio Aperitif 

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