A Pretty Normal Podcast

Xavier Diaz
A Pretty Normal Podcast

A podcast talking about the thought provoking moments that happen in our everyday lives. Join us as we re-imagine what society considers normal.

  1. Episode #78: Combatting Loneliness, Isolation, Social Anxiety and More with Pete Bombaci, Founder of The GenWell Project

    2021. 02. 02.

    Episode #78: Combatting Loneliness, Isolation, Social Anxiety and More with Pete Bombaci, Founder of The GenWell Project

    Hello everyone and welcome to A Pretty Normal Podcast, I am your host, Xavier Diaz. Quick reminder that we have started streaming the interviews live on Youtube and Facebook and Twitch! This gives you the opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions to all of the amazing guests that come on the show. So make sure to follow us on all of our social media handles so you get updated every time we go live! In this episode I am joined by Pete Bombaci, Founder of The GenWell Project, a Canadian organization dedicated to making the world a healthier and happier place by reminding people about the importance of face-to-face social connection as a proactive health action that they can take, and inspiring them to take action. Following a successful career in the beverage alcohol industry, Pete ventured into the world of charities and not-for-profits We had an amazing conversation about what his organization is doing to help combat loneliness, something that affects everyone across the spectrum all over the world. According to a survey by Cigna Health Insurance, more than three in five Americans are lonely, with more and more people reporting feeling like they are left out, poorly understood and lacking companionship. In this interview we discuss why we live in a time where although we have so many ways to stay connected at our fingertips, people still report to feel more alone than ever before.  Connect with Pete and The GenWell Project at www.genwellproject.org/disconnected Support the show at www.aprettynormal.com Subscribe to the show and follow us on Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Youtube Support the show by visiting www.aprettynormal.com Remember to leave us a rating and review if you enjoy the content brought to you every week. Message us if you would like to come on the show or know anyone who you would like to see come on the show.

  2. Episode #76: Discussing Collaging, Latinx Culture, Metrics to Success, Work Life Balance and More with Luis Martin, the Art Engineer

    2021. 01. 23.

    Episode #76: Discussing Collaging, Latinx Culture, Metrics to Success, Work Life Balance and More with Luis Martin, the Art Engineer

    Hello everyone  and welcome to A Pretty Normal Podcast, I am your host, Xavier Diaz. Quick reminder that we have started streaming the interviews live on Youtube and Facebook! This gives you the opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions to all of the amazing guests that come on the show. So make sure to follow us on all of our social media handles so you get updated every time we go live! In this episode I am joined by The Art Engineer, Luis Martin, host of the podcast Studio Confessions. Luis is a personal favorite of the show, an all around awesome person and was the first featured guest on the Pretty Normal Day series which I highly suggest everyone go watch on Youtube. In that video Luis takes us into his studio and shows us what a pretty normal day looks like for him. I knew this interview was going to be great because Luis is a walking, living book of inspirational quotes. Everything he says sounds so uplifting and im always super excited to have him come on the show. In our conversation we discuss his recent trip to Merida, Mexico, where he hosted his own art show, we discuss finding the balance between staying consistent and taking breaks from your creative work, whether or not art school is necessary, copyright laws when it comes to collaging, what we would like to change in Latinx culture and more. Connect with Luis Martin and check out his art at www.collagedream.com and check out Studio Confessions on all podcast platforms! Subscribe to the show and follow us on Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Youtube Support the show by visiting www.aprettynormal.com Remember to leave us a rating and review if you enjoy the content brought to you every week. Message us if you would like to come on the show or know anyone who you would like to see come on the show.

    1시간 8분
  3. Episode #75: The Struggles the LGBTQ2S Community Still Faces and More with Krisha, host of Gay Monologues

    2021. 01. 18.

    Episode #75: The Struggles the LGBTQ2S Community Still Faces and More with Krisha, host of Gay Monologues

    Hello everyone and welcome to A Pretty Normal Podcast and I am your host, Xavier Diaz. Quick reminder that we have started streaming the interviews live on Youtube and Facebook! This gives you the opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions to all of the amazing guests that come on the show. So make sure to follow us on all of our social media handles so you get updated every time we go live! In this episode I am joined by Krisha, host of the podcast Gay Monologues and the creator of Loud Pride. Krisha’s podcast Gay Monologues, talks about queer topics for personal growth. It was a really great conversation and Krisha is someone I knew I wanted to come on the show since late last year and i'm glad that we made it happen. I want to thank Krisha for being open about her coming out story. She describes the lead up to the day she came out to her parents and how that decision changed her relationship with them.  We dove deep into problems that affect the LGBTQ community and spoke about why Krisha decided to start her podcast, Gay Monologues. She also taught me what the term LGBTQ2S means! I learned a lot and although same sex activity seems like a normal thing to me in 2020, it was appalling to learn that same sex activity is still illegal in approximately 70 countries. Which shows how the work for equality never ends. Connect with Krisha and check out her content at www.loudprideco.com and check out Gay Monologues. Subscribe to the show and follow us on Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Youtube Support the show by visiting www.aprettynormal.com Remember to leave us a rating and review if you enjoy the content brought to you every week. Message us if you would like to come on the show or know anyone who you would like to see come on the show.

    1시간 13분
  4. 2021. 01. 14. · 보너스

    Live Stream: Discussing Trumps Impeachment, Social Media Ban, Parler & More

    Hello everyone  and welcome to A Pretty Normal Podcast, I am your host, Xavier Diaz. Like I announced last week, I have started streaming the show live on Facebook and Youtube so anyone can join me in the chat and get involved in the conversation. Ill always post the audio to the podcast the next day but I do definitely enjoy streaming the show, it makes it more interactive and it lets me cover topics in a faster and more timely manner. So definitely subscribe and like the pages on Facebook and Youtube and join me next time! In this episode I am joined by Rob and Perry, two great friends of the show who have come on in the past. Always love talking politics with these dudes and who better to bring on when the US is falling into chaos?  There was a lot to cover since last weeks events at the capitol building but we get into all of it, discussing Trumps social media ban, the house voting to impeach him for the second time, what Joe Biden's best move going forward is, what will become of the GOP and more! Make sure to subscribe to A Pretty Normal Podcast so you get notified every time a new episode drops. This show can be found on Spotify, Google, Apple and all other other podcast streaming platforms. Subscribe and please leave a review and a five star rating if you enjoy the content. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at A Pretty Normal. Also subscribe on Youtube at www.youtube.com/prettynormalproductions.  If you enjoy the free content and the interviews I produce I kindly ask you to go check out the website, www.aprettynormal.com and check out the merchandise we have on there.

    1시간 35분
최고 5점
31개의 평가


A podcast talking about the thought provoking moments that happen in our everyday lives. Join us as we re-imagine what society considers normal.

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