Episode 383 - Smoking on that Pokémon Pack

All You Can Hear

In this episode, it's Pat, Tanner and Wenzel! This week, they're talking about a diverse set of topics including but not limited to: ball transplants, smoking, Pokemon, and disgust for Gen Z from a zoomer! Listen in! ----------------------------------- Episode image created by Wenzel ----------------------------------- Give us YOUR answers to this episode's hard-hitting questions! https://forms.gle/RaRFj2utbG77trRA9 ----------------------------------- Catch up on all of Season 8's episodes here: soundcloud.com/aychpodcast/sets/aych-season-8-2024 ----------------------------------- Check out the entire AYCH Podcast Network! ► Caging Greatness - Nicolas Cage movie review Podcast podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cagi…ss/id1553303334 Want even more AYCH shows? Check out our full catalog playlists! soundcloud.com/aychpodcast/sets ►►► Backlog BoyZ: Video Game Discussion Podcast! ►►► The Instruction Booklet: Video Game History Podcast! ----------------------------------- Twitch/Podcast Archive YT: www.youtube.com/@AYCHPodcast If you like what we're doing here, don't forget to leave us a review! You can also follow us on all of our social media below and tell us how we're doing: -- Bluesky: @aychpodcast.bsky.social -- Instagram: @aychpodcast -- TikTok: @aychpodcast -- Twitch: AllYouCanHear Leave us some suggestions in our Suggestion Box as well! goo.gl/forms/AHetCWQ2m7tHDigg1

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