Two Chicks, Three Seats: The Event Manager's Guide to Industry Trends

Two Chicks, Three Seats: The Event Manager's Guide to Industry Trends

Two Chicks, Three Seats is a podcast that covers all of the hospitality industry’s hottest topics, from current hospitality news, food and beverage trends, interviews with event guests, to marketing tips and more. Two Chicks, Three Seats keeps you in the loop on all things relatable to anyone in the events industry. Tune in with hosts Kate Kennedy, Tripleseat’s Customer Marketing Manager, and Rachel Calkins, Tripleseat's Marketing Coordinator, to catch up on the latest hospitality topics. Two Chicks, Three Seats is brought to you by Tripleseat, the industry leader in event management software.

최고 5점
19개의 평가


Two Chicks, Three Seats is a podcast that covers all of the hospitality industry’s hottest topics, from current hospitality news, food and beverage trends, interviews with event guests, to marketing tips and more. Two Chicks, Three Seats keeps you in the loop on all things relatable to anyone in the events industry. Tune in with hosts Kate Kennedy, Tripleseat’s Customer Marketing Manager, and Rachel Calkins, Tripleseat's Marketing Coordinator, to catch up on the latest hospitality topics. Two Chicks, Three Seats is brought to you by Tripleseat, the industry leader in event management software.

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