In the quiet suburban neighborhood of Riverview, Florida, a chilling sequence of events unfolded on the night of March 18, 2018, forever etching the name Ronnie Oneal into the annals of infamy. It began as a seemingly ordinary evening in the home shared by Oneal and his family—a partner, Kenyatta Barron, and their two young children, Ron'Niveya and Ronnie Jr. But what ensued was anything but ordinary. Amidst the tranquility of their suburban abode, violence erupted with unimaginable ferocity, leaving a scene of horror in its wake. When authorities arrived, they were met with a gruesome tableau of tragedy: Kenyatta Barron and young Ron'Niveya lay lifeless, victims of unfathomable brutality, while eight-year-old Ronnie Jr. clung to life, bearing the scars of both physical and emotional trauma. As the investigation unfolded, the true extent of the horror became apparent. Ronnie Oneal, the patriarch of the household, stood accused of the heinous crimes that had torn his family apart. Yet, what emerged from the shadows of that night was a tale shrouded in complexity—a web of domestic strife, desperation, and ultimately, unspeakable violence. The subsequent trial would captivate the nation, as Ronnie Oneal, representing himself in court, embarked on a surreal journey of defense—a journey marked by outbursts of defiance, claims of self-defense tinged with religious fervor, and a narrative that seemed to teeter on the brink of madness. However, amidst the chaos and confusion, one truth remained immutable: the harrowing saga of Ronnie Oneal and his family serves as a stark reminder of the darkness that can lurk behind the facades of suburban normalcy—a reminder that the most chilling horrors are often those that unfold closest to home. RESOURCES: Riverview murders - Wikipedia Ronnie O'Neal's story: crimes committed, trial, and sentence - YOUTUBE CHANNELS: Fox 13 Tampa Bay 10 Tampa Bay MISSING: Hanna Redkey Warren Ohio County Sheriff's Office 1-513-695-1280 or 1-800-THE- LOST 1-800- 843-5678 MUSIC BY: STORYBLOCK.COM SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT (614) 525-3555 CRIME STOPPERS (614) 645- 4749
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Biweekly
- PublishedJune 4, 2024 at 9:00 PM UTC
- Length31 min
- Season1
- Episode46
- RatingClean