Episode 48: Best Hunts And Blood Trails

Eastmans' Life Of A Bowhunter Podcast

In this episode Dan and Brian sit down for another episode of Life Of A Bowhunter. They talk over the season and some of their favorite hunts that will be beyond the grid episodes. They recount lessons learned and things that went right. They also dive deep down the rabbit hole of blood trailing and recoveries. There is some gold in this conversation and may make the difference in recovering your trophy or not. A great long episode this week on EBJ. 

A Big Thanks to our Sponsors!

Cutter Stabilizers - https://cutterstabilizers.com/

Eberlestock - https://eberlestock.com/

G5 Arrows - https://www.g5outdoors.com/mark-arrows/

Matthews - https://mathewsinc.com/

Stealth Cam - https://www.stealthcam.com/

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