Hey, Woozers! The winner of a half-hour reading with Natasha is none other than BStangl! BStangl, please email us at gettingtoknowwoo@gmail.com to schedule your reading! And thanks to everyone who has reviewed the show. Each review helps us reach a wider audience.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are so happy to talk to about death doulas with Ashley Oppon. Ashley is a death doula, hospice nurse, podcast host, and author.
In this episode, they discuss:
- Brett's recent trip to the ER (he's fine)
- Remembering to ground when you're off base
- A lot of energetic layers are being pulled back for people right now, especially relationally
- Be soft with yourself
- Everyone has a different style for being present
- The value of being in "the inbetween"
- What if we all valued the "disgusting process" of the cocoon?
- What exactly is a death doula?
- Working as an advocate for the dying and dead
- Growing up with death rituals from her father's tribe in Ghana
- In many West African traditions, funerals can be bigger than weddings
- Using funerals to celebrate a person's life and to acknowledge the presence of death
- Growing up not fearing death because of the frank discussions about it in her family
- Helping people with all stages of dying and dealing with death
- Some people just want to talk about their lives
- Having your own funeral
- People seeing their dead loved ones when close to death
- How Ashley's relationship to death has changed
- The similarities of death mythologies around the world
- Letting death inform your enjoyment of the physicality of life
- People don't regret helping to physically deal with their loved one's body after death
- And more!
- Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
- Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at natashalevinger.com
- Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
- Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
- Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to gettingtoknowwoo@gmail.com
Ashley's info:
- Website: https://www.sankofahealingsanctuary.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sankofahs
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.
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