Episode 49: The Film Freaks Get Naughty With Pre-Code Hollywood!

Film Freaks Forever!

The Film Freaks gladly go back to the hard-boiled and raunchy 1930s when Hollywood was making movies that adults flocked to see—gritty films full of violence, sex, drug abuse, questioning religion, and giving it to the system…you know, like college. But as talkies came in, the studio writers decided to have fun with this new thing called dialogue so these flicks crackle with quips, come ons, and frank talk about infidelity and breaking the law.

The Great Depression was happening so audiences looking for escape embraced these bawdy, raw movies and enjoyed the wild, reckless rides it took them on. Soon to be famous directors like Frank Capra, William Wellman, and Mervyn LeRoy helmed rising stars like Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Barbara Stanwyck, and Norma Shearer in these classic pieces of "Forbidden Hollywood."

So, when you're done at the speakeasy swilling bathtub gin, give the Film Freaks latest episode a listen and you'll be one dizzy hepcat, see?

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