Welcome back to "Love Streams: The John Cassavetes Podcast," a show in which a filmmaker and a film studies scholar (who just happened to be married to each other) unpack the movies directed by American director, John Cassavetes. In this episode, Allison and John dive deep into Cassavetes' 1968 masterpiece, Faces, and boy-oh-boy, is there a lot to discuss! Highlights include: the Red Meat song; Allison's explanation of why she doesn't care much for Easter Eggs (spoiler alert: she sounds like a bit of a jerk); John's pontifications about Cassavetes as a finance filmmaker; venerations of Dorothy Gulliver; how freedom becomes a form of control; how control becomes a form of freedom; even more Diet Pepsi (God help us); the role of real estate in filmmaking; feeling disappointed in your kids; Army shoes; marketing jargon; how capitalism infects your love life; reasons why you should never let yourself run out of cigarettes; and so much more.
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