Episode 6: Udûn

PCLOTR The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Podcast

Welcome to another episode of PCLOTR and in this episode we're discussing the 6th episode of The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power - Udûn!

Joe Stark takes over the breakdown this week for the episode and we talk about the epic battle at Ostirith.  We dive into the battle and get into the aftermath and what this means for Middle Earth.  Does the Halbrand is Sauron theory hold up after this episode?  What does the future hold for Theo?  We break it own and theorize.

Thanks for listening!

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Joe hosts the amazing StarkCast podcast and conducts some amazing interviews.

And be sure to subscribe to Billy’s YouTube Channel - The Reality Guys to get your reality tv recap fix

Episode six title: Udûn

Episode six synopsis: Adar and his army march on Ostirith.

Director: Charlotte Brändström

Writers: Nicholas Adams, Justin Doble, J.D. Payne & Patrick McKay








