Episode 69: Gender Bias: A Conversation with Anastasia Mazzella and Marina Pacheco

Civil Action with Brian & Shant

Join the conversation this episode with Anastasia Mazzella and Marina Pacheco, partners at Kabateck LLP, about their experiences and thoughts on gender bias in the legal field. They'll identify specific situations they've encountered and share observations on how improvements can be made to minimize the issues going forward.

While 47% of lawyers at the associate level were women, that number drops to 22% at the partner level. Anastasia and Marina discuss with Shant Karnikian, opportunities to keep more women practicing law including more equitable pay, more supportive environments that focus on a better work-life balance, and addressing biases people may not even be aware they have. 

This is a must share episode that goes beyond the topics traditionally discussed on the show.   

Anastasia Mazzella: am@kbklawyers.com

Marina Pacheco: mrp@kbklawyers.com

Shant Karnikian: sk@kbklawyers.com

For more information about the firm, visit www.kbklawyers.com

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