Love Streams: The John Cassavetes Podcast

Allison Radomski & John Roberts
Love Streams: The John Cassavetes Podcast

In "Love Streams: The John Cassavetes Podcast," a filmmaker and a film studies scholar (who also happen to be married to each other) dig into the unforgettable films directed by John Cassavetes. Allison Radomski and John Roberts will unpack one movie per episode, so listen along and enjoy the conversations as they try to analyze some of the most beautiful, haunting, and downright complicated films ever made. Welcome to Love Streams!


최고 5점
13개의 평가


In "Love Streams: The John Cassavetes Podcast," a filmmaker and a film studies scholar (who also happen to be married to each other) dig into the unforgettable films directed by John Cassavetes. Allison Radomski and John Roberts will unpack one movie per episode, so listen along and enjoy the conversations as they try to analyze some of the most beautiful, haunting, and downright complicated films ever made. Welcome to Love Streams!

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