Episode 70: Annie Martin-McDonough Talks the Tort of Seduction

Civil Action with Brian & Shant

Today our intake attorney Annie Martin-McDonough brought a fascinating topic to our attention with the “tort of seduction.” In the 1700’s this was a tort that allowed for the father of a daughter to sue a man, who had seduced and impregnated the woman, for loss of services.  

Later in the Victorian era the tort evolved to allow a woman to sue for emotional damages due to a loss of virtue if a man tricked her into a sexual relationship. 

Annie, Shant and Brian discuss how the tort differed from sexual assault and the history of the tort being abolished in many states starting in 1935 due to some reasons that were pro-women’s rights and other reasons that could be seen as sexist towards women. 

The tort still exists in many states today, though it is very rarely brought to court. Annie gives her argument and examples for the positive uses the tort could have today. 

Brian Kabatek: bsk@kbklawyers.com

Shant Karnikian: sk@kbklawyers.com

For more information about the firm, BK Law, visit www.kbklawyers.com  








