Episode 87: Looking Ahead to 2025

Third Fridays

The final podcast of the year consists of guest appearances by a strong Lois litigation team, Scott Grossman and Brenna O'Brien. Host Christian Sison asks Scott and Brenna for their takeaways after the firm delivered a "Year in Review" presentation to its employees and its clients together. The group discusses what it means to embody CAPS values, how they feel about the ever-present fraud developments across the New York courts, the future of artificial evidence, and how they interpret the vision of "Great Practice, Great Life." Happy Holidays to our listeners; we'll see you next year!

What is “Third Fridays”?

"Third Fridays" podcast is a live, 30-minute legal talk show from Lois Law Firm featuring moderator Christian Sison. It is the original forum in which real attorneys discuss workers' compensation issues, share their opinions and engage in colorful conversations.

The goal of the show is to showcase the diverse perspectives of the attorneys handling workers' compensation cases. Attorneys discuss case law trends, practical litigation strategies, and hot topics.

Special Guests: Brenna O'Brien and Scott A. Grossman.








