Episode 9: Dr. Rogier Steins: How to turn your hobbies into a career in Family Medicine: Sports/High performance/alpine/diving/ship medicine as a GP in the Netherlands. A guide to a diverse work week

The EYFDM Podcast

The EYFDM Podcast

In each episode we invite interesting guests with extraordinary jobs in Family Medicine. From rural health care, to exciting training opportunities, to the presidencies of EYFDM and WONCA, it's all there. If you haven't listened yet, this is your chance to get a life-changing insight into Family Medicine training in Europe and beyond!

This podcast is accompanied by a research study: "Podcasts play an important role in modern life and education. Whether we are exercising, commuting to work or doing our daily chores, we listen to them a lot in our daily lives. Click here for more information & to participate: 

⁠⁠Survey: https://forms.gle/JYPkxeZWHUk2Gzeb7⁠⁠

The European Young Family Doctors’ Movement is the Network for early career Family Doctors of the European Regional Branch of the World Organization of Family Doctors (⁠⁠WONCA Europe⁠⁠).

EYFDM envisions a world where every early career Family Doctor is empowered, connected, supported and heard.

Rogier’s addendum: Sports medicine is a recognized 4 year (sub-)specialty program in the Netherlands

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