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Prolific Living » The Daily Interaction

Smart Habits for Rich Living

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    Episode 101: 3 Steps to Know When to End Things

    Why We Need to End Even A Good Thing Welcome to Episode 101 and the final episode for The Daily Interaction show. Today's topic is why and how we need to end even good things in life. You know that nagging voice in the back of your head that says you need to get out of something, or do something else with your time? Everything may be going great in your business, or your relationship, or even your job, and a part of you just stops being totally into it. That's when the voice in your head starts talking louder and louder. If you ignore the voice, it will keep harassing you until you listen. You cannot continue ignoring your inner voice without consequences. I ignored my inner voice for years when I was at corporate - and finally, I was able to get out of that job and into my business because the voice got louder and louder. You have inner wisdom. You know best what's right for you. In that example, my inner voice knew that I am not made for a corporate career, and I was meant to walk the entrepreneurship path - and it was right. So how do you listen to your inner voice and gather enough information so you make the right decision? In this episode, I talk about the 3-step process that is very useful when you apply it overtime you hear that voice complaining about something you are doing - and this can be something very bad such as a toxic relationship or something very good such as a cushy lucrative easy job. Get very curious. Curiosity quiets the self-judgement and heavens knows we have more than enough judgment to deal with, and curiosity opens the door to clarity. Observe what is happening. Observe why you are feeling this way. Observe a lot and ask yourself questions. Be gentle and kind to yourself. We are very fragile and vulnerable on the inside. So exercise plenty of kindness in your dialogue as you gather your information. The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: Why I Am Ending the Daily Interaction Podcast As you may have guessed, the nagging voice came to me a while ago about my beloved podcast, and I did the most natural thing of all: I completely ignored it. Until I could not ignore it anymore. This is a perfect example of when you hear the nagging voice about the good and even great things in your life. Why would you want to end something good? Why would you want to stop doing something that brings you and others usefulness and even joy? So I went through my 3-step process, and when I got very curious and observed why I am feeling this way, I realized it is not because I don't love podcasting and creating something that you enjoy. Of course I do. There are just other pressing projects, books, commitments and works that call my name and need my attention. To all my listeners: THANK YOU for your love. Stay tuned for more!  This marks the final podcast of The Daily Interaction Show. I am proud to say that the podcast was sponsor-free and ad-free and completely free for 2 years, and that I produced a show for you every week except 2 random weeks where life and circumstance simply overpowered me. We had a great run, and you can access the entire archives anytime. Going forward, the focus will be on Prolific Living blog, as well as other surprise works I have in store for you. Hop on the list below not to miss a beat, and stay confident, stay brilliant, and share your thoughts on how you end things in your life when the time is right and when that inner voice beckons you to do so.

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    Episode 100: Making Positive Life Changes with Leon “The Encourager” Bullard

    Making Positive Change with Little-Known Communication Secrets "As is a tale, so is life. Not how long it is but how good it is that matters." ~Seneca Welcome to Episode #100 of The Daily Interaction Show and to my conversation with a gracious grace, Leon "The Encourager" Bullard on how to make positive change first in your life and then in the life of others. If you can communicate it well enough, you can have anything you want in life. ~The Daily Interaction Show Leon is an author, a wellness and fitness professional, and a brilliant communicator and speaker, with a strength in clarity and persuasion. As a personal development expert, Leon is focused on educating, coaching and encouraging others to live healthier and more productive. He has over 10 years work as a fitness trainer and 8 years work as a behavior modification coach and speaker. He is the author of Triumph At Last. Also Leon has a great newsletter at if you want nudges for staying healthy. His focus is on healthy living and he is a supreme example of that so he lives and breathes his own advice. And he is a wonderful speaker from years of knowing him at Toastmasters. For today's talk I want to talk about the courage that it takes to help people make changes in their lives and Leon is doing that with his business and also with his powerful speaking so we'll get his secrets on that. The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: How to Make Positive Change One with Communicating Well Here are the interview questions I posed Leon Bullard in our conversation: 1. Leon, it's a luxury that I know you so I can base my questions on personal experience :) and I always noticed that you were a natural persuader. How do you do it? How can we learn the basics of persuading the people in our lives without coming across as pushy? (Feel free to give us examples) 2. I still remember in 2009, you gave an amazing speech at a Toastmasters contest. Are you still active in Toastmasters and how are you using your public speaking skills in your own business? 3. So I know your passion is about helping people become healthier in their lives, and we share that passion. What made you decide to pursue personal development and helping people get healthier? 4. Okay let's talk about some of the challenges because I am sure you have had to work hard on your amazing communication skills. What are some of the difficulties you faced AND overcame along the way? 5. Let's say I am really shy, terrified of interacting with people much less groups, but I am dying to get my story out there because I know it can help create positive change for some people. What is the first step I could take to overcome this debilitating shyness and get courageous? 6. Leon, was there anything that I didn't ask you that you want to share on this topic of getting the courage to help people change. 7. If you could give my listeners one actionable takeaway today to help them inspire positive change in the people in their lives, what would you say? IF YOU LOVE US, and want to show your appreciation for this free podcast, won't you give us a shout on iTUNES! Thank you for showing your LOVE!

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    Episode 98: Little-Known Facts to Getting A Job Fast with Joshua Waldman

    How to Get A Job Fast in Today's Social Market Welcome to Episode #98 of The Daily Interaction Show and to my conversation with a talented and wonderful guest, Joshua Waldman, on little-known facts about getting a job today. If you can't communicate it with skill and savvy in the online world as well as in person, you will be hard-pressed to find the right job, but if you know these little-known facts on job finding that Joshua shares with us on the show, you can increase your chances of getting noticed and picked up by the right employer significantly. Joshua is an author and a social media expert at helping job seekers undertand how to position themselves at an advantage in today's social world. He presents keynotes, trainings and breakout sessions around the country for students, career advisors, consortiums and professional organizations and he is a super nice guy to boot. He gives you a ton of information on getting a job fast at Career Enlightenment. We talk about how you should present yourself to the world, how you should manage your online reputation and what to do when things go wrong so you can quickly fix the damage. So take a listen and I'll talk to you on the show. The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: Questions on Getting a Job Fast in a Social World Whether you are college age or in your 60s and returning to the job market, you have got to understand these tips before you can secure a great job: 1. Joshua, the job market is so different with the advent of social media but not just for the new graduates. Anyone that is getting back into the job market will experience these shifts too. So can you share with us your top 3 tips for how a candidate can use social media effectively to get a job? 2. I am very curious to know what you think about the value of a college education today for job seekers. I suppose it depends to some extent on the degree. You need a medical degree to become a doctor or a law degree for lawyer but beyond the traditional job types, what are some ways college may be over-rated? 3. I read your book, A Student's Guide to Surviving Facebook after College, and wanted to ask you to comment on the importance of keeping personal and professional life separate (if so) and what are some practical tips in that area? 4. Joshua, of all the social media platforms, if a job seeker had to pick one, what would it be and why? 5. So when it comes to presenting yourself, your resume and profile, do you think it's best to be traditional or is it okay to get creative, such as videos and blogs and portfolios of your work if you have such a thing or any other ways beyond traditional resume? 6. How important are job interviews really? They say most of the decision is made before companies even you on-board for the official interview. Is that true? 7. Interview tips: I know this is a nerve-wracking thing for all of us. What are your best tips for more the job seekers who really need the job and yet don't want to appear desperate? 8. There is so much more I'd love to ask you! Is there anything else that you wish I had asked or that we had shared with our listeners today? Any parting messages for my listeners? IF YOU LOVE US, and want to show your appreciation for this free podcast, won't you give us a shout on iTUNES! Thank you for showing your LOVE! This podcast is part of Prolific Living Media and it is produced weekly and released every Friday. For questions and comments, please email the podcast:

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    Episode 97: How to Be a Coach and Mentor to Yourself

    Welcome to Episode 97 of The Daily Interaction Show. Do you want to hire a coach or have a mentor but can't afford it or can't seem to find the right one? Today I answer Silvia's question and show you how to be a coach and mentor to yourself. From Silvia, a listener request: What can a person who is in a stage of life where there are no mentors available do? We all know the importance of a mentor (or mentors) in one's life, but there are times when a person might be flying solo (work wise), in strange waters and with not many people who would serve as mentors around. Like living abroad, in a place where you don't speak the language, the society is very different from your own culture and you work by yourself, not in a company with a formal structure. I would think about hiring a coach, but say there are financial impediments at the moment. Listening to podcasts and reading is one way I found. What else would you suggest? How can you take the best out of the means you have? What are these means? Thank you Silvia for asking the question. There IS a lot you can do without hiring a coach. The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: I admit I have been very resistant in hiring coaches for myself. I had several mentors at work but investing in myself was not a concept I truly embraced but then I decided to put my money where my mouth is last year and I've now spent several thousand dollars in my business and my own improvement. Results? I can say the skepticism has fallen and I've seen the progress that I can make with a one on one coach. So I'm starting the answer with sharing personal experience and letting you know that it's okay to have resistance, doubts to hiring coaches. Sometimes the resistance is purely financial but sometimes it's emotional too. And you need to respect it. But to your question, when you are not in a position to work 1:1 with a coach, what do you do? Let's dive into the conversations to have with yourself. Remove the bad influencers immediately: First, let's take stock of what is the current input into your system, before we modify it. Who are your current influencers? Who do you hang out with? What programs do you listen to? What material - reading, listening, watching - do you consume? As you think about these people, ask yourself questions: Are they negatively affecting your enthusiasm for work? Are they giving you bad or good advice? Do they have your fulfillment and happiness and best interest at heart? Sometimes, even the people closest to you may not be your best advisors. Click to Tweet. So after you have pruned the current influencers in your life, take stock of where you are. And take a deep breath. Look around and ask "What do I need now?" Check out In-person events and meet-ups in your area Start small but find a group of people in your local area that you can connect with. Start small and look at all the options available to you. Start with some of the free ones. If you are interested in starting a side hustle or changing jobs or advancing your career, there are groups/ meet-ups that happen in every place now. Look them up and attend a local event, and when you go there, introduce yourself at least to 3 people. Have a conversation. and give the meeting/event a chance. Secret meet-ups not announced, you have to know someone - so hang out with people you want to get to know in your town….. You also need to be conscious of everything that influences you - so the books you read, the podcasts or audio that you listen to …. and also it has to be in line with where you are going so if you don't know where you are going in your career, then you are in exploration phase so inspirational stuff motivational stuff is helpful such as Tony Robbins, If something makes you feel bad or small or insignificant STOP watching, listening & consuming it! Click to Tweet this.

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    Episode 96: The Secrets to Polished Speaking with Sharon Hill

    Welcome to Episode #96 of The Daily Interaction podcast and to my conversation with a brilliant communicator, a vibrant source of energy and delight, and also someone that I consider a good long-time friend, Sharon Hill. The podcast motto is simple: You can have anything you want in life if you can communicate well enough! A little about Sharon: Sharon A. Hill, author, speaker and MBA, spent more than 20 years as a development and marketing manager at Fortune 500 giant IBM. As a Toastmasters International award winner, Sharon displays mastery and confidence speaking for audiences ranging in size from 20 to more than 500. Sharon Hill teaches, writes, speaks and coaches individuals and companies about the skills necessary to become grounded in all human interactions while leveraging the advantages of technology. She offers learning combined with a keen sense of humor to enhance and complement each experience. The topic we explore is two-fold, first, her passion with Toastmasters and what you my listeners can expect to get from considering a toastmasters club in your area and communicating with poise, etiquette and grace whether you are on or off the stage. Ready? The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: Interview Questions on The Secrets to Polished Speaking 1- Sharon, let's start off by having you tell us how and when you came by Toastmasters, and what makes you still SO passionate about Toastmasters. I was active in Toastmasters between 2003-2010 and of all the people I met, you left the largest most indelible impression on me. 2- There is this "je ne sais quoi" about some people that just attracts us by being there. You talk about "becoming grounded in all human interactions" and I suspect this has a lot to do with their 'elusive' power if you will. I want to hear you talk to us more about that. How do we become grounded? 3- I've heard and seen you speak on numerous occasions, Sharon. You are always so polished, so resonant in your voice and so connected and yes very grounded. Is there a prep routine that you follow, anything from warming your voice or meditation or mind work that you could share with us? 4- As you know, Sharon, we get terrified when we think of public speaking. Even after years of doing it, I get nervous about it and I've just come to believe this is a human condition. But there are so many ways to deal with it. What are your recommendations? What are some techniques that work particularly well? 5- You know, I think of these processes as a journey, and in this case to becoming a great communicator. And in my experience, in these journeys, there is often a turning point where you experience a shift so great that it helps you leapfrog to the next stage. Sometimes it's just a bolt of self-awareness, sometimes a particular event or something a friend/coach shares with us. Did anything similar happen to you and could you share it with us? 6- To what extent would you say that Toastmasters has been instrumental to your success as this fabulous polished communicator? I know that it helped me tremendously. And would you say that anyone can get these benefits from Toastmasters? 7- For those of my listeners that may still have doubts or other reasons not to consider joining a club, what other ways can they improve their communication skills? What do you recommend? 8- Sharon, there is so much more I'd love to ask you! Is there anything else that you wish I had asked or that we had shared with our listeners today? Any parting messages for my listeners? So did you take one tip away from how to become grounded in your speaking?  IF YOU LOVE US, and want to show your appreciation for this free podcast, won't you give us a shout on iTUNES! Thank you for showing your LOVE! This podcast is part of Prolific Living Media and it is produced weekly and released every Friday. For questions and comments,

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    Episode 95: Body Language: What Messages Are You Sending at Work?

    Welcome to Episode #95 of The Daily Interaction podcast. Today's episode is all about your non-verbal communication with focus in the workplace. How are you presenting yourself through your body language? Are you even aware of the message you are sending? Do you like the message? If not, how do you change it to fit your ideal of what you want to say to the world about who you are and what you are all about? Quick Announcement: The Healthy Juicer's Bible Book signing & Fresh Free Juice with Demo in Cary NC June 11th B&N at 7pm. Details for your invite. The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: First, a self-examination. What do you think your body language is saying about you? In other words, if you don't say a word with your mouth, what is the conclusion someone may draw about you? What words might they use? Confident? Timid ? Smart? Knows what she is doing? Acts bossy? Ignores people around him? Feels like she is better than the rest of us? Really in charge? Your homework: write down the top 3 things you think people might say about you - alright. Then ask yourself: Do I like these descriptions of myself? Are these the words I want them to use to describe me? If not, what do you want them to say about you? Let's match up your body language to what they will say. I am going to take a guess here. You want them to say you are confident, a leader, smart and in charge, on top of things, someone who delivers results, listens well, a kind helpful resourceful person. And yes, they can say all of that about you just by watching and observing your body language. How does your body say this? How can your body say this? Posture first: Let's start with your posture - how you carry yourself? Are you stooped? Do you hunch over? Or are you standing tall - shoulders back - head over shoulders - chin back - hands at your side? Eye contact next: Focus on making eye contact. You don't have to stare. If you have trouble with this, at the very least, avoid looking up or away or at the floor. Your work is to observe, observe and observe. Never judge. Never grade. Never be harsh. Just watch what is happening! The process: first you become very conscious and aware of yourself, then you pay attention and might get a little uncomfortable, then you begin to change and then it becomes comfortable and second nature. So how did you do? How is your body language? And what changes do you now need to make to get that message precisely right? Do you love The Daily Interaction? Give us a shout on iTUNES to show your love!  This podcast is part of Prolific Living Media and it is produced weekly and released every Friday. For questions and comments, please email the podcast:

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    Episode 94: Unraveling the Lunacy of Romantic Relationships with Alan Stransman

    Welcome to Episode 94 of The Daily Interaction Show. We are going where we have not gone before in this episode to explore love, loss and lunacy of us in romantic relationships. This is a conversation is with one of the best writers I've ever read and someone I am delighted to call my friend, Alan Stransman. Alan Stransman is the author of two books: “Don’t Let Your Dream Business Turn Into a Nightmare: A Cautionary Tale for Would-Be Entrepreneurs” and “So, Why Have You Never Been Married?: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Lunacy". Alan began his professional career as a teacher of English and Film at the high school level, and then transitioned into broadcast TV production. In 1999, Alan Stransman created the television series “Spectacular Spas” and then founded one of the first day spas in the world for men, called The Men’s PowerSpa, in downtown Toronto. That entrepreneurial venture was the basis of his first book “Don’t Let Your Dream Business Turn Into a Nightmare”, which The Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario has been teaching as a case study in entrepreneurship programs. Alan’s second book “So, Why Have You Never Been Married?” is a funny, poignant and intimate account of his lifelong pursuit of love and tenderness, and is an homage to the writers that helped shape his sensibility: D.H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, Philip Roth and William Wordsworth. Alan is also a ghost writer that helps you write your own memoirs and one day I hope to hire him to write mine! The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download! The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed! Listen to the show: Special Gift: Download the transcript of this entire conversation here. Questions on Memoirs and the Lunacy of Romantic Relationships with Alan Stransman 1. My first question for you is why you wrote your memoirs? I interviewed the author of Funny in Farsi, Firoozeh Dumas, and she told me that in her experience, everyone wants to write their memoirs but each of us for our own reasons. Yours? 2. One unexpected reaction I had from reading your memoirs was how much it reminded me of the way I used to handle disagreements with my ex-boyfriends or even with my husband. Full of blame, self-righteous, hurt, screaming, defensive and feeling like the worst victim in the world over STUPID STUFF. It was pure lunacy. This is hardly ever the way a man acts (in my experience). What would you say is the reason behind this crazy outrage in us women in your experience, Alan? 3. One of the most common reactions was when the women in your memoirs had some hidden expectations and the man - you in this case - had no clue about these and therefore could not fulfill them. The women would just get mad without showing much interest in SOLVING the problem. Now, you dated women from all walks of life but this seemed to be a common thread: Getting MAD. They may have shown their anger differently but they still all got mad at these secret expectations. Can you help us understand that and perhaps avoid that in our own relationships? 4. So we talked a little about lunacy. Let's move on to love and loss. I felt sad when each of your 3 most significant relationships came to closure, each on their own bitter terms. Sad not just for your loss but also the loss of what could have been and what came so close and yet slipped away. I know I am not alone in saying that sometimes we ruin a good thing and look back with regret. How do you look back at the loss you experienced? What does it represent to you now? 5. The real gist of your book is in the epilogue and the Wallace Stevens poem, The Emperor of Ice Cream. And the fact that people do not love what is, they love what seems. "Let be be the finale of seem", says Stevens. If we really loved each other for who we really are, how would love end? But where is that distinction? Do we make up stuff in our head and project it to the person we supposedly love? 6. Alan,

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Smart Habits for Rich Living

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