Episode Seven: Interview with Professor Amar

Laws Dimensions: Musing on Law, Politics, and Culture

On the seventh podcast I have Professor Akhil Reed Amar on to talk about his recently released book The Words That Made Us: America's Constitutional Conversation, 1760-1840. His book is his love letter to America and as you read his book I think you will come to love our nation's founding as well. We get into the weeds of the robust discourse and events that permeated throughout the colonies and eventually shaped them into the country that we all know today. I highly recommend you buy his book to learn more about our creedal origins. You can learn more about Professor Amar here https://law.yale.edu/akhil-reed-amar and here https://akhilamar.com/ As always you can find me on twitter at https://twitter.com/SpitzleyLuke. Support the pod at https://anchor.fm/lawsdimensions/support

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