We're back again this week with episode 6, and we're going to tap into current events with a spot of Oscar talk, news on the Fright Night and Escape from New York remakes, and the new trailer for The A-Team. Then we get into our second edition of Original Sin where we talk about Larry Cohen's first film Bone starring Yaphet Koto before moving on to our second picture the Norwegian zombie movie Dead Snow. For our Bizarre Treasures this week (available at www.cinema-de-bizarre.com) we talk euro-crime and '70's sleaze, so you know you want to check that out. We also practically beg for feedback so send us some so we don't have to. The e-mail as always is sinfulcinema@charter.net.
- Show
- PublishedMarch 10, 2010 at 4:59 AM UTC
- Length1h 23m
- RatingExplicit