11 episodes

The ESHA Academy offers school heads opportunities to learn about modern school leadership in an international context. ESHA Academy is an initiative of the European School Heads Association (ESHA), a leading network for European school leaders. Members of ESHA connect, exchange, learn and improve education.

ESHA Academy European School Heads Association

    • Education

The ESHA Academy offers school heads opportunities to learn about modern school leadership in an international context. ESHA Academy is an initiative of the European School Heads Association (ESHA), a leading network for European school leaders. Members of ESHA connect, exchange, learn and improve education.

    Engaging Dutch schoolheads - a podcast in Dutch: How schoolheads and their supervising boards can develop their interplay (Hoe kunnen schoolleiders en hun bestuur hun samenspel ontwikkelen?)

    Engaging Dutch schoolheads - a podcast in Dutch: How schoolheads and their supervising boards can develop their interplay (Hoe kunnen schoolleiders en hun bestuur hun samenspel ontwikkelen?)

    Hoe richt je een directievergadering zo in dat iedereen zich gehoord voelt? Hoe faciliteer je als bestuurder de autonomie van je scholen, en hoe zorg je ervoor dat je als schoolleider zelf achter het stuur blijft zitten?

    In deze aflevering onderzoeken we het concept 'samenspel'. Puck de Boer spreekt met Nico de Haas (bestuursvoorzitter van Stichting Prisma Almere), Michelle Brown (schoolleider van de Driemaster), en Tamara Rumpin (schoolleider van Het Drieluik) over de manier waarop zij hun samenspel hebben ontwikkeld. Loes van Wessum, onderzoeker bij ESHA en senior onderzoeker includerend leiderschap bij het Lectoraat Leraren en lerarenopleiders in inclusieve leeromgevingen bij Windesheim, deelt haar visie op hun samenwerking.

    Meer over Stichting Prisma Almere: https://prisma-almere.nl

    Meer over de ESHA Academy: https://esha.org/academy

    Over het Lectoraat Leraren en lerarenopleiders in inclusieve leeromgevingen: https://www.windesheim.nl/onderzoek/lectoraten/leraren-en-lerarenopleiders-in-inclusieve-leeromgevingen

    • 29 min
    Stimulating the development of teachers

    Stimulating the development of teachers

    Teachers are the ones that have the biggest impact on the educational development of our children. But for a teacher to the help our children develop they also must keep developing themselves. And this is where the role of the school leader is very important. How do you help your teachers to develop themselves and how do you set an example?

    In this episode we’re accompanied by Michelle Brown, school leader of a Dutch elementary school and Loes van Wessum, associate professor at the university of applied sciences Windesheim and author of multiple HEADstart quality cards on which these podcasts are based upon.

    Fran Palokaj speaks with school leaders across Europa about a variety of topics based on ESHA’s HEADstart quality cards developed by Loes van Wessum, Rieneke Pruis and others. These quality cards function as practical tools that you can use to tackle everyday challenges within your organization. Visit https://www.esha.org/headstart to download the HEADstart cards.

    • 19 min
    The internal supervisor coordinator

    The internal supervisor coordinator

    Personalised and suitable education requires teachers with strong pedagogical skills to deal with a large and diverse group of students. The internal supervisor coordinator can play an important role in helping the teacher understand the students and their specific learning needs. In other words, the internal supervisor coordinator can help the teacher, and the school leader can help the supervisor.

    In this episode we’re joined by Santi Pubill, a teacher from Catalonia, Spain and Dianne Franke-van Ham (AVS Academie) who used to work before as an internal supervisor coordinator in The Netherlands.

    More information about:

    ADSLL, the association for school heads in Llieda, Catalonia, Spain: https://adsll.wordpress.com

    AVS, the Dutch association for school heads: www.avs.nl

    Fran Palokaj speaks with school leaders across Europa about a variety of topics based on ESHA’s HEADstart quality cards developed by Loes van Wessum, Rieneke Pruis and others. These quality cards function as practical tools that you can use to tackle everyday challenges within your organization. Visit https://www.esha.org/headstart to download the HEADstart cards.

    • 11 min
    Involving parents into the education of their children

    Involving parents into the education of their children

    The pandemic period made clear that the involvement of parents into the education of their children is very important, not only on their school performance, but also for their wellbeing.

    In this episode we are going to talk with Luca Lászlò (ESHA Consultant) and Katarina about how to build relationships with the parents and how to get them involved into the education of their children.

    Fran Palokaj speaks with school leaders across Europa about a variety of topics based on ESHA’s HEADstart quality cards developed by Loes van Wessum, Rieneke Pruis and others. These quality cards function as practical tools that you can use to tackle everyday challenges within your organization. Visit https://www.esha.org/headstart to download the HEADstart cards.

    • 18 min
    Collective teacher efficacy

    Collective teacher efficacy

    As a teacher you can make a big impact on your students, but as a collective of teachers, you can make a far bigger impact. Instead of “I can” it becomes “we can”. How can you facilitate teachers to work together as a learning community?

    We’re going to talk about collective teacher efficacy together with Georgia Karagianni from the Greece organization Educom+ and Toomas Kruusimägi, headteacher from Estonia. 

    More information about:

    Georgia Karagianni is head of Secondary Education Directorate of Karditsa prefecture, Greece and president of Educom+ https://educomplus.eu/

    Toomas Kruusimägi is headteacher at Tallinn English College, Estonia: https://tik.edu.ee/p/232-dp-in-tallinn-english-college

    Fran Palokaj speaks with school leaders across Europa about a variety of topics based on ESHA’s HEADstart quality cards developed by Loes van Wessum, Rieneke Pruis and others. These quality cards function as practical tools that you can use to tackle everyday challenges within your organization. Visit https://www.esha.org/headstart to download the HEADstart cards.

    • 16 min
    Collaborating with parents

    Collaborating with parents

    Parents and teachers are the ones who can make the biggest contribution to the learning and development of their children. If parents have positive expectations of their children, or practice homework and reading with them together, this could be advantageous to their learning career. Hence, it can be important for the school to support parents in creating these expectations and environments for their children.

    In this episode we’re going to talk with Leendert-Jan Veldhuyzen and Leezan van Wijk about the collaboration between parents and teachers, and more importantly how you as a school leader can empower your teachers to also cooperate with the parents.

    More information about:

    Leendert-Jan Veldhuyzen is an executive board member of Stichting Kolom in Amsterdam, The Netherlands: https://www.stichtingkolom.nl

    Leezan van Wijk is school head of Marnix Gymnasium in Rotterdam, The Netherlands: https://marnixgymnasium.nl

    Fran Palokaj speaks with school leaders across Europa about a variety of topics based on ESHA’s HEADstart quality cards developed by Loes van Wessum, Rieneke Pruis and others. These quality cards function as practical tools that you can use to tackle everyday challenges within your organization. Visit https://www.esha.org/headstart to download the HEADstart cards.

    • 19 min

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