In a dystopian future, Dome-covered cities are governed by the Happiness Programme - a government-mandated drug that eliminates negative emotions. But a few individuals remain immune to the medicine’s influence, and being labeled immune spells unimaginable consequences. When seventeen-year-old Parker inherits a set of mysterious tapes from her grandmother, she is thrust into a perilous fight for survival in the harsh, climate-ravaged wilderness outside the Dome. Join Parker on an adventure of identity, rebellion, and the pursuit of truth in this riveting science fiction audio drama.
Starring REBEKAH MCLOUGHLIN (The Amelia Project), PAZY IQBAL (Britain's Next Film Superstar; Game of Thrones: Season 8 Redux), HARRY GILL (Deadly Blue; Don’t Let Me Down) & special guest JULES HUDSON (Escape to the Country).
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- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2023年7月17日 UTC 22:21
- 长度1 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜